About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I honestly believe that men are not as interesting as women, and it's not just the penis thing.
Men seem to follow leaders better (or worse) than women.

The first full sentence most little boys learn is "Bang, bang, you're dead".

This man is a sniper flying over the crowd at the shuttle flight....did you know that?

Men volunteer for things that women would think was just silly.
"Okay men, we need volunteers to see what happens to the human body when an atomic bomb is exploded nearby."

No, you are an unarmed man...
 Seriously, I can't imagine being unarmed. The thought would terrify me.

Men who don't train to shoot other people often play games with an almost certain bad outcome...

Bears can do ballet, they just like to keep it a secret.
That's what the internet said, so it has to be true.

Men like beer. Men like women. As you can see by his face, we really like a woman pouring beer on her face.

Men solve problems differently than women. This young man is "ironing" with a pot of boiling water. That he is doing it on a hardwood floor with nothing underneath is a whole nother matter...

Noooooo, it's the longest thing you do.

That he actually makes it home is not the point. That he dares to attempt such a feat is the point.

My anger management class pisses me off!

And when things go south for a man they go way, way south.
Look at the posture of these people. I read it as a young man driving the family home from the paint store when he gets in an accident and that 5 gallon bucket of paint decided to misbehave....

TRUE: The advice on TV for the heat wave was: Stay indoors, Drink plenty of fluids, Exert minimal energy.
I died laughing thinking they must have read my play book. I'M THEIR FUCKING POSTER BOY!!!!!!


Work related stress can be as damaging to your health as cigarette smoking. But if you handle stress with a smoke break, they cancel each other out.

This is such a GREAT idea that a man HAD to think of it...

"Do you know any jokes about sodium?"

Yeah, these are men, but I only included it because it's been in my file for a long, long time...

You're not popular...your vagina is.

Thank god we averted the disaster of not being able to watch football while the country plummets toward financial ruin.

A couple about Star Trek just because I can...

I like to stand in the supermarket's produce section holding a tube of K-Y Jelly, looking contemplative.

This is a great man.

He writes great lyrics...

And he gives great advice...

You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

This is Jimmy Hendrix...
 This is Jimmy Hendrix getting his hair done while reading a Mad Magazine...
 This is Jimmy Hendrix done with a Jimmy Hendrix tape...

I'd like to be the first to congratulate Amy Winehouse on her first 72 hours of sobriety.

As you may recalled, I recently had a post about women.
I couldn't figure out whether to put this person in that post or this one. You decide...

My daydreams about being skinny are always interrupted by the sound of my own chewing.


 One of my very own...


Men can't pose like this...

Men who would dare even try to pose like this would be called 'Light in the loafer'...

Men are not this flexible...

But one thing for sure. When a man sees a woman do something like this....
 ....He's thinking about this....

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