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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Note: From now on, the word "things" will refer to objects.

There are thousands of these ancient buildings in Spain. 
 They all use the same unique structural elements...
 And are built to last...oh....forever.
 The question is, what were/is the function of the building?
I will show you at the end of this blog, but give it some thought....I got it wrong.

I hope this catches on. In Japan, more and more buildings are being covered in plants.
 And the plants aren't just vines.

 They are grown in boxes and mounted.
I can only assume there is a mesh of some sort to keep the soil in place.

I wanted to be an architect once. It was a toss up between art and architecture. I still find buildings a source of great interest.

When my wife and I drove around Europe on back roads these were our favorite places. We are not so much big city kinds of people.

And when you think about those villages in Europe, think of what villages look like in America.
 I find that rather sad, actually.

I am a big fan of reuse. This guy took a condemned old church and turned it into his home.

Speaking of reuse, these are made of human hair.
I like them.

My daughter asked me to make her a bookshelf made of old crates. I want to, but I can't find any old crates. Any of you know where I can get any?

Question: Can plants thrive on human urine?
I would like to think it could.

Speaking of toilets....and reuse....

Okay, here's the deal. Shit gets thrown away by the mega-ton. Embrace reuse for the good of the landfills and I think these are much more attractive than a cheap ass black box.



I would like to meet the stupid bastard who first suggested that every fucking plant in the yard be cut off at the same length. I would slap his ass with my boot.

How much is too much, America?

When does it occur to us that we don't need to acquire more stuff just to acquire more stuff.

I've mentioned how the Chinese must think the Americans who buy all that stupid shit they make must think we are insane.  I think they may have a point.

(nice set-up, that)

Think about the next one a minute....
 This is a finger shaped pen that farts when you pull on it.

These men are compensating for having small penises. There is nothing we can do about them.
This silver car is...........pure fucking real silver.

But in these times when your neighbors are hungry, do you really think we ought to be listening for aliens in places so far away that they probably have blown themselves up by now? And further, even if we tried to answer them, the signal will take centuries to reach them.


Concrete blocks made in the shape of Legos.

I don't know if this saves wax, but it is extremely beautiful.

I like time savers....it's a stapler and dater in one...

If you don't own a TV, then at what is all your furniture pointed?

Every house in America ought to have these installed...

I sometimes feel almost smug that I drive a golf cart.
 (that is not my golf cart)

Some diagrams I like...


One of my very own...


If you have it, flaunt it....

Those building from Spain are/were for the storage of corn. They were elevated and made of stone to keep the rats out. And when you think about it, a whole village could starve if the whole crop were destroyed.

1 comment:

The Boy said...

My high school US History and US Gov't teacher was a very cool guy. bald head, funky mustache, wore a vest and linen pants to school everyday. he had been a teacher in the low country for years and got a job offer at walhalla. needless to say he rushed at the opportunity. when he moved to the upstate he lived with his sister for a few months then went to a small town most people have never heard of. Newry, South Carolina. It's an old mill town that sits, literally, directly behind the dam for lake keowee. when he went there he saw an old church that had been foreclosed on (i guess god couldnt make the mortgage payment). anyways, he spent a fortune on renovation. but it was the coolest thing i had ever seen. if you can go to google type in "old newry church" and click images. the church was the only one in town, and after mark welch bought the church the town saw a dramatic decline in population. either way go check it out. next time i am up there i will take a few pictures of it and send them your way, its really cool all the stuff he did with it.

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