About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I love women...and I love women warriors the most.
My daughter was stationed in a war zone for months...and it is impossible for a man to be more proud...

Women give birth...which, when you think about it, is a really big deal...

Watching your child grow inside the woman you love is an experience that no man should miss...

I mean, think about that big son of bitch coming out of...well, you get my point...

Society treats girls differently than boys....always have, always will...
 After years of "Take your daughter to work day", someone finally came up with the idea of taking your sons to work also. All they wanted to do is spin around in the office chairs.

Boys are expected to take chances and cross the line...

Girls are bombarded with warnings against even getting close to the line of impropriety....

A father will give his son a condom.
A father would kill a boy for fucking his daughter.

Of course, boys don't get pregnant...

And...AND women can sell their bodies...even though my bet is that this woman's quarters just wouldn't make ends meet....

Women are punished severely for selling their bodies.
Even in America the prostitute goes to jail, but her John is let off....

If you are a whore, advertising is very important...

Some whores, like cute little Pancake here, may have wanted to at least write down the names of her......friends...

Women will alter their bodies, at great expense, in the hope that more men will fuck them...

It's happening all over the world, then you end up with something as grotesque as this....

And this shit never wears off....

Now for some non-related images of women that I found interesting...

Does anyone else see anything....odd about this image?

Never really understood lesbians anymore than I understand gay men.
(I combined these two images and I think it's hilarious)

What does this woman have to say about our culture?
Think about that.


One of my very own...


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