About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


BARTENDER TRUE FACT: I just found out that my favorite bartender in the entire world will be on vacation all next week. My wife asked her what we (wife and I) were supposed to do without her....Abby said, "Pine."
That, gentle readers, is why I love this woman.

BARTENDER TRUE FACT No. 2: Today at the Legion, I was having a conversation with a stool-mate and I uttered the words "Play the race card". Seconds later a tiny Hot Wheels No. 43 Richard Petty NASCAR slammed into my bottle. I but could pick it up and look at my bartender quizzically. He said, "I heard you say you wanted to play with a race car."
I like clever people.

What common phrases do these represent?
Highlight between brackets for answer...
 [ Nailed it ]

 [ Sink with a clog ]

This one is much harder...
 [ Attempted murder.....murder of crows...get it? ]

Quiz: Do you remember what I told you a while back about what caused this? If not, why not...it was cool as fucking shit.

I think these are wonderful.
They are click out components of famous conspiracies.
I haven't figured all of the out yet. 

Okay, let's play "Caption This Image"...I have mine under the image...
[ Teen Shows Off His Huge Porn Collection ]

1 comment:

Abby Fake Daughter/Favorite Bartender In The Whole World said...

Oh, my dearest Ralphinator, I miss you much when you're away too!! Seriously, as a creature of habit it fucks up my whole week when you're gone. And for the last pic I'd say he's showcasing his floppy ...

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