About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Some photos I really like...

And the next time you want a family portrait, think of this. I find it wonderful, and I ought to know...I have an art degree....

Most people in the world probably think that "right at" means exact, as in pin pointed to a certainty.
Well, not in the South.
When someone asks me what time it is, I say, "Right at 3", meaning it's 3 o'clock plus or minus ten minutes.
It also applies to mileage. "Right a 5 miles", means between 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 miles.
I know it's confusing, that's why you ought to write this shit down.


I saw a black guy with a mullet today. I stared at him much, much too long.

I posted my "One of my very own" of this photo, then I found this....


A very interesting slant on things....

When my wife introduces me to someone for the first time, I like to say, "You look much taller in real life."
None of them....EVER....has realized it was absurdity.

"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." 
- Elie Wiesel

Art from bottle caps.....why not?

I've always wondered why Superman never got bugs on his face.

A filigreed tire....

"A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving."
- Lao Tzu

Making art (or sort of art) out of junk is a good thing...

These are made from found driftwood....

This guy bought a bunch of old high-pressure tanks at auction and turned them into all kinds of furniture...

I really hate it that after all these years as soon as somebody gets murdered in a haunted house there is always some asshole that suggests "Let's split up and check out the whole house.".......AND THE OTHER PEOPLE DO IT!!!!!

Language amuses me more than you will ever know...

Abso-fucking-lutely true: I am so empathetic that I can't finish eating a chicken wing if the bone is broken.

DESIRE PATH: A path created by natural means, simply because it is the shortest and most easily navigated way.
The U of SC used this method to determine where to place their sidewalks. They left the whole place dirt for a year, then placed the sidewalks where the paths were. Further, the wider the foot trod paths, the wider they made the sidewalk.....BRILLIANT!

If you don't know why this is funny...it's okay...it really is.

Two friends of mine in Canada once sent me two stones shaped like hearts. I added them to my vast collection and think about them every time I look at them...which is daily.

 I think that sex education in America should teach everything there is to know about the clitoris.
Speaking of.....

I knew a man, a complete worthless asshole, who was sent a check from the government for a "disability". The disability was alcoholism.  I knew then that we, as a nation, was completely fucked.

Oh, the irony....

I find this so fucking sad. This magnificent creature now a sideshow for tourists...
 What he really wants to do is this. This motherfucker knew the penguins wouldn't come to him, so he climbed a 300 foot cliff to bring himself to the penguins...

A friend asked me to send him pictures of a mural I did. I told him that I hardly photograph any of them anymore. He wanted to know why. I told him to imagine the man who got a job selling boats and after his first big sale it took him an hour to tell his wife all about it. But thirty years and hundreds of boats later........

This has got to be the best toy EVER!!!

In my day we only had one video game and it was called Adjusting the Antenna.

Wouldn't you like to live near this? I know I would...

I'd quit smoking if I didn't really enjoy saying no to people who ask for cigarettes.

Oh, for the love of sanity...

A question:
1. There is a man that has three organs that if removed would kill him but would guarantee to save three people.
2. There is a train approaching a Y in the track. On one track stands one man, on the other stands three and none of them can move. You have your hand on the switch. Would you send the train onto the track with only one person?
If so, why would you not take the organs from example 1?

Speaking of famous black people...

Speaking of just ordinary black people...

I mean that.
When was the last time you did something different?
Do epic shit.


One of my very own...


1 comment:

Robin said...

The picture of a polar bear climbing a cliff to get to penguins is puzzling. Polar bears are an Arctic creature, and penguins live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, so where was this encounter supposed to have happened - quite possibly in Photoshop.

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