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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Let's assume you have a large scale to measure outrage and on one side of the scale you place all the evidence for America's treatment of prisoners. You add the water boarding (the same water boarding that we force our own troops to endure); the sleep deprivation; the being forced to smell women's panties, walk around naked, and being taunted; and everything else we know.
Now on the other side of the scale we place sending a missile from a drone into a house that we know contains men, women, children and old people, thus blowing them into little pieces....and that house is in a another country that never gave it's permission.
Question: Which way do you think the scales should tip?

That's a fucking crack, ya'll.
 I also learned something. I once stated (because I had been told in a TV show) that the Washington Monument had no mortar; the stones are simply stacked one atop another.
Well, that was not entirely true. You see, they had to add a very special grout to keep it from leaking.

Documents found in Gadhafi's secret police headquarters show that they had extensive ties and received aid from a shadowy US group known only by the initials C.I.A.

 Looking at this woman, I'm no so sure they had a choice.

Here is the elevator...

Here are the fornicators.....
 Oh, and they are brother and sister, the sex between whom I assume, is not a crime in England.

Yes, a man walked it all....

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