About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Haven't spoken about troops lately. But when I saw this it got me to thinking...
 I worked on nuclear weapons and everyone in the shop was some of the smartest people in the Air Force...yet, we did some silly ass shit.
The practice (dummy) warheads were painted blue on one end...for reasons that need not be explained. Anyway, I once waited until some higher ups were approaching a door way and rolled the dummy warhead across the door with the blue end away from them so it looked like a live warhead.......a good time was not had by all.

I've been trying to get my wife to get one of these....no luck yet....

Drugs.....sometimes I think about a accident and I smile thinking about the drugs that I can take legally...

"Well, that's a load of my chest...I mean, back."

Shit you don't see everyday....

I haven't made fun of these people in a long time. My bet is that this bitch's face would peel fucking paint....but maybe that's just me....

Just another weekly meeting of the Wife Beaters Club....

No....as in NO!

This, gentle readers, is dated and I almost sent it straight to the trash, but I got to thinking about the look on her face (the "I'm so fucking serious" look), while dressed in that get-up and I must admit...I just wonder how much discipline it takes to attempt such a thing...

Father of the year?.....

If you have never seen this cat before...you need to get on the internet more...

Oh, look, my wife has started drinking again...

These men are drunk. Undrunk men would never do this.

Dear Tattoo Person, you might want to cover that up during your next traffic stop...

How much guts does this take...knowing you could be beheaded for such shit...

"How I Met Your Mother" New Jersey edition...

"You're home early!!!!"

She might be cute, but she has Trailer Thrash written all over her...

Oh, shit, my wife has started taking drugs again...

"It's the steroids......"

Question: Do I have a right to be offended?



One of my very own....


Astute readers of Folio Olio might have noticed that I don't post vaginas. This one is....cute.  But when you come right down to the nitty-gritty, gaping vaginas are not all that attractive. I have a great imagination and enjoy using it, so...there you have it....

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