About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 17, 2012


NOTE: A rare Saturday post tomorrow. Mark your calendar.

Do you remember this scene from "The Fugitive?" The doctor said, "I didn't do it." And this guy said, "I. Don't. Care."
 That gave me the idea for this post.....you'll see.

I don't care whether you are pro-war or anti-war, these magnificent motherfuckers deserve your respect and gratitude.

I don't care if students use the internet to solve any and all problems they have at school.
The beauty of the internet is that we now don't have to keep vast amounts of data in our brains....hopefully freeing it to be put to greater uses. And while you're at it, get rid of cursive writing.

I don't care who you find consensual adult sexual pleasure with. Period.
That anyone would care confuses me. I mean, why? What could be their rational explanation for their condemnation?
Because they don't get pleasure the same way? Fuck you.

I don't care if a massage parlor gives hand jobs...or mouth jobs for that matter.
I don't care if two people fuck and one of them gets paid.
That's how I met my.....never mind.

I don't care who marries whom.
I mean where do you draw the line? Can a Englishman marry a...oh, Romanian? Can a Canadian marry a Chinaman? Who draws the fucking line? Which of these women am I "allowed" to marry?

I don't care that you may not understand why I find this beautiful.
Before you say, "Well, I could have just poured paint on a wall like that", you need to realize that most credible artist don't "just" do anything.

I don't care what kind of drugs you take.
It's simply none of my (or anyone else's) fucking concern.

I don't care if you poke holes in your body.
I may laugh, but I really don't care.

I don't care that people running for public office are not saints.
If a person today had never smoked dope, fucked around before (or after) marriage, and such stuff, then I would not trust them.

I don't care if you want to fuck animals.
I don't care if a man has more than one consenting adult wife.

I don't care if you think viewing pornography is evil, just leave me the fuck alone.

I don't care if you are offended by the naked women portion of my posts.

I don't care if you are offended by anything I post.
 I make fun of just about anything that other people hold holy....literally.

I don't care if you think some topics are off limits to humor.

I don't care if you think making fun of stereotypes is non-PC.
 I like pointing out clothing options that, to me, are big neon signs flashing NOTICE ME, NOTICE ME!
You can't imagine the intensity of the fuck I don't give about PC.

I don't care what color your skin is.
I will laugh at you no matter what color you are.
Ug-(click)-uma-coo-(click click) Gugotee, (the guy on the right) is diggin' the shit out out this.
His wife (with beads) not so much.

I don't care if freaks freak you out...
It must be nice, though, to know you will never need a DNA test to prove paternity.

I don't care if you think my posts are corny.
 But a monkey dressed like a beach-bum french-kissing a ugly woman in corduroy pants IS NOT corny!

I don't care if you show me a digit...any digit.
 But that a person can be legally prosecuted for a mere gesture is just plain fascist.
How about this gesture, mein herr? Legal or illegal?

I don't care if you smoke or not, you have no right to deny me my right to smoke in my own bar.
If you don't like the smoking at my bar, then don't go there. Let the free market deal with it. Hell, march with signs in front of a smoking allowed bar, but please don't ask Big Brother to pass a law. Vote with your pocketbook, not by taking away yet another of our rights.

I don't care about hearing another fucking word about UFO's. 
 When one lands in the middle of a city, then I will care.

I don't care that you don't see the very subtle humor in some of my posted photographs.
 So, let's test you. What do you think made me laugh looking at this? What tag line would I add?
[ Can you spot the one sober goose? ]

I don't care that you are too busy to give a photograph the concentration it requires to fully appreciate the beauty.

I don't care that many of you are women and probably don't "get" the male-oriented punch lines.

So, let me give you a hint...

Still need another?

Use only if you use the computer only for Facebook....
 [ it seems that half of all porn clips starts with a woman entering an office and in every office there is a large over-stuffed couch.....no matter how big the office is ]

I don't care which side of the Civil War your ancestors were on.
We all lost.

I don't care that you may not understand fucking hilarious juxtaposition.

I don't care if you have to waste time detecting the oddness in some of my images.

I don't care which political party you belong to.....

 .....we are all going to get fucked no matter which way the election goes. Welcome to America, ya'll.

I don't care if you lack any sense of The Awesome...
 (that is a snipers position at the Super Bowl and that's fucking Awesome)

I don't care if you don't want to learn new things.
 I will still offer it to you....just in case.

I don't care if you think my cartoons are sophomoric. 
 Many of them are.....
.....but not this one.

I don't care that you think of me as a lonely old man...
 Old, yes....lonely? Hardly.

I don't care if you don't know how to have a really good time...

I don't care if you don't see the brilliance of my "One of my very own" section....

I don't care if you think naked women are dirty...

 I don't care if you go topless on the beach...

But I will tell you this as a fact:
If I was a woman and men were allowed to go topless but I was banned by law for doing the same thing.....I would engage in civil disobedience at every opportunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Related to your saggy pants photo...
You might be interested in knowing that the Alabama congress found saggy pants a big enough issue to pass a bill making it illegal to wear them. Passed the house 59-0.


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