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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 11, 2012


It's been a productive day...a double sized post for your last day of work before the weekend....

We've all had days like this, haven't we....

I like this on several different levels...
 It is certainly true when it comes to art. 

Someone once told me that those fish sandwiches from McDonal's is grown in a lab....my jury is still out...

The real thing....period.

Exploding GPS battery...just one more thing to worry about....

"Reservoir Crayons"...

Man, time really flies when you take two naps a day.

I know it's silly...I just like the look on his face...

I told my wife that if zombies were chasing us, I'd consider not tripping her.

Haven't posted group nakedness in a while...

You really do need to know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

Shit like this fascinates me....

Never.....NEVER grab a woman's ass on a Chinese bus...

"So nice to meat you."

The whole thing looks unstable to start with...

Volleyball game across US/Mexican border fence....

Does running late count as exercise?
 That this is true is a little frightening....

The stupidest thing you can do in life is not do anything stupid.

Sometimes when I'm really bored, I try to make a list of everything I've tried to stick my dick in.


Said it wasn't photoshopped....any ideas?

When killing them with kindness doesn't work, try a baseball bat.

If you don't get this, it's okay...it really is.....

Ladies and Gentlemen, my very first cat post....
 ....the murdering bastards.
As a matter of fact, when I visit people who allow these beasts into their home, I always take a pack of Pop Rocks and sprinkle them in the litter box to scare the shit out of them.......literally. 

Well, at least she was a good worker...


What a real pet is supposed to look like....


Gentle Readers, I present the badest flying machine in the world...
 ...ignoring that it has a very, very serious problem with its oxygen delivery system which leaves the pilots landing with no recollection of ever flying the machine.

It's a nutcracker.....honest.....

Woman sure knows how to make a point...

I don't fail. I just find another way that doesn't work.

Some people get confused if a sentence doesn't end as they potato.

A river in (on?) a glacier.....

Okay, I would get on an airplane to go stay there for a while...

Yeah, I thought the same thing....

Watched a show about lightning recently. As I understand it, most come down, but some go sideways from cloud to cloud and even discharges from the ground to the cloud...usually when the ground has recently been hit by numerous strikes.

My wife sent me this....yeah, go figure.....

You highly motivated magnificent bastards!!!!

Every fucking day....give them just a moment of thought.
 Increasingly I worry that these fine Americans are being wasted so arms manufacturers can get rich....rich enough to buy the government.

You can get bonus points just for pretending you care.


Thanks to my daughter's recommendations, I watch a lot of foreign films. I am amused at subtitles like; mumbling, moaning, tsk, tsk, tsk, etc.

I often type words into Google to see if I'm spelling them correctly.

 ABBEY ROAD, Afghanistan Style

 I find stuff like this....riveting.

No comment necessary....

Increasingly, the design sites that I visit often are full of shit like this.
 The way I have it figured, some teenager is sitting in his parent's basement giving me advice on life.
And I'm sick of it.

More to the point, I don't think most Americans want to hear the truth.
 It's like while we are all being butt raped and we look around and ask if he would like some dip or something.

I think that when most Americans read about the shit these fuckers can legally get away with, they think "Well, that's the way it's always been"......WRONG!!!!!

I don't even know what race I am. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because I buy my drugs at a pharmacy.

There is nothing more erotic than a good conversation...
...about kinky shit.

I may be more affected by images than the average person, but anyone would have to admit, this makes you think...

TRUE: Today on the news I heard this statement: "Obesity is a big problem in this country."

 Well, of course it is.

Oh, look, another WiFi has moved into the neighborhood...

TRUE: Obama had already written a pre-excuse if Bin Laden raid had failed.

No....no it's not. I didn't take the photo, I didn't pose for the photo and I didn't upload it to the internet. I just shared something with you that has already been seen by millions. Now you have seen it...are you racist?

1 comment:

Jambe said...

If you want to see how the nude bridge image was made, check this out (the image in question is at 4:00 or so):


Spencer em-effing Tunick.

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