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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, July 27, 2012


"With so many Africans in Greece, the West Nile mosquitoes will be getting home food."
That was an attempt at humor. I don't get it, but that's not the point.
The point is that after working her whole life, a Greek Olympian was sent home because she tweeted that lame joke.
So it's come down to this. No one came forward and said they were offended. It was enough that somebody might have been offended. Welcome to 1984.

The movie star went to visit the victims in Colorado...

But I don't believe anyone called Timothy McVey mentally ill.....

This is sad as hell.....I mean that....
 Kim Jong-Un proposed to his new bride by getting down on one knee and saying, "Me, you marry....", then he grunted something unintelligible since his face was buried in the pie he had previously spilled upon the granite floor of his palace bathroom while four naked prepubescent girls wiped his ass with warm, moist linen towels....
Yes, the imagery is disturbing, I know, but dictatorships are never pretty.......unless you are the dictator, of course.

Teenage Princess Diana....
Dictators....Nobility....I don't know which I hate most.

Did Sherman Hemsley have an LSD lab in his house?

Coming to a community near you, Gentle Reader...

Please think about this topic for a minute. You don't have to agree with me, but at least think about what this means...
The internet is full of cats, because dog people go outside every once in a while.

Back when the future looked rosy...with lots of colors...flowing from your finger tips and shit....

"Is it right to remain ignorant?"
"I don't know, but I refuse to find out."

Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderfull.

Because I'm more holy than you, that's why....

Thanks, all you science majors...and I mean that....

I hate when I'm laughing and my ass falls off.

Can you even imagine what all those angry minimum-wage workers do to your food when no one is watching?

How many ships could a big ship ship, if a big ship could ship ships?

My office is not messy. I just have everything on display...like a museum. 

Great illustration for kids....
But why? Why is it such an unusual number? I think about stuff like that a lot.
As I understand it, the numbers after the decimal point go on forever. So with an infinite number....oh, never mind. 

The modern Olympics....

Why are scary movies all set in creepy places like old houses, jails, and hospitals? I want a scary movie set in a Walmart.
"Clean up on aisle 13."
"But sir, we don't have an aisle 13."
(cue dramatic music)

I don't know what she is trying to mime, but it looks nasty...

Sir Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock....

"Man, those were some good tacos."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dogs are so......loyal.....
Talk about a mind fuck.

"Training for ballet, Potter?"

A foreign stereo type..........stereo.......type.....

Lest we forget....

People on the internet are always coming up with "facts" that should shock you.....

I believe this is actually true....

Most people don't grow up; they give up....on themselves.

I'm not a racist. I am disappointed in all people equally.

Girls, never sit at the same table with a guy whose nickname is Date Rape.

I just came across my 2nd grade notebook which read: "This summer I want to do whatever I want to do ALL day."
8 year old me would be very proud of 65 year old me.

The modern work station. What a wonderful idea. The chair adjusts to many positions; the screen can be lifted or lowered; and it's beautiful.
I bet productivity would soar....

Kind of reminds me of all those criminals who cover their heads when being transported......appropriately....

Darwin Award; Equestrian Division...

Maybe it looked at him wrong....

METH: Not even once.....

Jesus or Bin Laden?

Shit you don't see everyday.....

 (DAMN! I wish I had gotten this yesterday!!)

Sorry, sir, there are nothing but elitist pricks for as far as the eye can see....

This is the way I looked when my wife suggested we make our own porn movie......involving farm implements.... pastry......and the lesbian couple next door.... 
(that wasn't true)

What do you think the chances he or she would have if a candidate said, "I am going to pass laws that will allow you to do anything you want to do as long as you don't hurt anybody."

Things have gotten so very complicated that I think most of us just go numb with impotence.

I like his grit....

Why do so many people still think that it's okay to deny some Americans their rights?
Why do Americans have to spend decades on arguments like women voting, blacks in the army, women in the army, gays in the army, gay marriage, etc, etc, when the dire forecasts of what would happen NEVER happens. Are we just fucking stupid or what?



Anonymous said...

Roughly motivational place of duty you give rise to at this juncture. Seems to facilitate lots of relations enjoyed and benefited from it. Cheers and credit.

Anonymous said...

regarding the mime...I think she is stating she loves male ejaculate.

submitted by expert porn watcher.

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