About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This for my friend, Joe....he asked for them...
That's what up my ass looks like.

The scab referees stole a victory from my Green Bay Packers Monday night. It was one of the ugliest games I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing.

This is how I responded....
(I had a huge bet on the game, by the way)

This isn't normal, but on sports it is....

Anyone making up limericks involving 'pursuit', 'hirsute' and 'fur-suit' will incur a summary banning.

Just another thing to think about....

I wish I had a T-shirt with this on it....

Let's talk coincidence, shall we?
Having dedicated many, many hours trying to write, I realized that without coincidences, you are very limited in plot development. Think about the scene above. What are the chances that this would happen? Well, if you laid the plot out....it HAD to happen.

This is cool as shit! An elephant laid down for a nap. After he got up this was left in the sand...

Beards have been know to have protective value against cat, mediums, mimes, and sexual advances from nubile ladies.

How very insightful....

Treat me like shit and I will act like an asshole.

Interesting view point....

Yeah, I think this is exactly what it looks like...

If it doesn't have meat, it's a snack.

"Who wants cake......NOW?!"

Today my doctor was filling out a form before my procedure. She asked, "Are you still sexually active?"
I said, "Yes."
She then asked, "What do you do?"
I said, "I normally do vaginal, sometimes oral, but seldom anal."
She blushed and chuckled. "That's another line on the questionaire. I meant 'What do you do for a living?"

My jury is still out concerning computer generated art...

Those zany Russians...

Nowadays we demand so much of schools, our kids aren't home-schooled, but school-homed.

I think that cartoon would be much funnier if the guy had said, "Biting peoples dicks off in their sleep."

Purification straws....

They are not allowed to have a toaster in their dorm room, so they named theirs...

I would say that this is preferable to walking in with a loaded weapon and murdering your co-workers...
I'm actually surprised that open rebellion is not more common. Mankind is not meant to sit and do boring stuff all day.

The internet has spoken.....

I was going to be a politician for Halloween, but my head wouldn't fit up my ass.

I have been saying for years that the universe was infinite and that this is not the only one. From what I've heard, more and more scientists are tending to agree.

There are so many subatomic particles being discovered, it was suggested that next year the Nobel Prize should go to the scientist that does not discover one.

It's always about money, isn't it Gustava...always about money....

The expression "Don't piss on my foot and tell me it's raining" should be amended to "Don't piss on my foot."

Still mulling this one over....

Guys slapping girls' asses in porn makes me realize how out of sinc the audio and the video are.

Yeah, in photography, lighting matters...

Let's do irony....

This took me a moment...

Get it?

What does this tell you about the attractiveness of her genitalia?

Had I been in charge, I would have used this as a teaching moment.

"Excuse me, ma'am....sir.....ma'am.....

The internet has gotten a lot funnier since the Russians got camera phones...

The vast majority of banks' customers work during business hour, but the banks are only open during business hours.

Well, at least James and Elizabeth hung it there...

The countryside is great, unless you want to buy something, go anywhere, do anything or see anyone.

Ain't we all, Popeye, ain't we all....

From one of those motion detection cameras in the wild...


There's a walk ON water joke in here someplace....

Can you spot the American?

Good fatherhood takes some practice...

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