About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


What a wonderful image. Just look at those faces...

A mere hundred years ago...

TRUE:  In King County, Texas, Obama got 5 votes.

Do. Not. Anger. This. Man.

The most embarrassed man on earth...

Well, that explains a lot....
And then, within 24 hours, it's gone...

One day long, long ago, there lived a woman who did not whine, nag or bitch.
But it was a long time ago, and it was just that one day.

I will not sleep until I find a cure for my insomnia.

There is a coin-elongating club.
The end is near.

The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.

This took me a moment, but you can figure it out.
I could hardly keep my eyes off of it...

The Flood: Because Yahweh couldn't find the "Undo" button.

Goldfinger girl in her golden years...

I wonder what it will take to get Americans to take to the street. 

News coverage of the protests...

My favorite outdoor activity is going back inside.

All us married guys have seen that face, haven't we...

NOTE: No humans were harmed in the making of this photograph...

My favorite mythical creatures are the happy chicks in the tampon commericials.

The best advice I can give a young woman:
You are all beautiful to someone if you have their dick in your mouth.

You'd think atoms bonding would mean they were being friendly to each other, but they end up stealing each other's electrons in the process.
Isn't that ironic?

Notice that the motherfucker is on fire when he's pulled out....DAMN!
My buddy, Jack, will make a full recovery, but he was hit by a truck the other day. I think about him a lot.

It's getting so cold down here that this morning I saw two gang banger with their pants up.

I really want to know what kind of person watches porn and sees the "MAKE YOUR PENIS BIG LIKE RON JEREMY" ad and thinks, "Hey, you know what, let me stop what I'm doing and see what this is about. I've always wanted to be just like Ron Jeremy."

I've seen nice houses with bathroom mirrors hung so you could look at your dick while you peed....

An excellent metaphor for life...

Would you take internet advice from this man?

The best advise I can give young men:
Being a gentleman doesn't make you a pussy.
It gets you pussy.

Why I watch Myth Busters...

Everytime I hear that dirty word "exercise", I wash my mouth out with a Mounds Bar.

There is so a Viagra joke in here someplace....

This is me when the waiter is explaining the vegetables that come with my meat....

Hey, relatives, kind of reminds you of our family reunions, don't it...

Go home, R2, you're drunk...

"Your dental hygiene is impeccable," said no dental hygienist ever.

Puppy refused to leave its mother...

There are thousands and thousands of these...

I'm confident the fiscal cliff will get resolved before I'm able to comprehend what the fiscal cliff is.

Seeing beach residents refuse to evacuate makes me feel better about the array of terrible decisions I've made this year.

A loving couple. They met in high school and now live happily together. Back in their teens he was a she, and she was a he. I find that touching...no pun intended...

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