About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

SATURDAY 8/18/12

Try reading this in a crowded restaurant....

Worth 1K words...

My old friend, Zach, once had a bracelet made from braided elephant tail hair. The hair is extraordinarily thick...like pencil lead.

And your point is?

"The last time I trusted you, I came back without balls."

This has something to do with alcohol prohibition, but not sure what...

Said the man who beats the shit out of other people...

This is a young Theodore Roosevelt....

And 99% of the time we aren't sure the smart person actually said it....

This is one of the most bizarre cartoons I've ever read....

Damn, Tyrone!!

Tan line. I like tan lines.

Shouldn't that be "on" instead of "in"?

This is the way I looked when my daughter taught me how to use "Screen Shot" on my Mac.....
Interestingly, at least to me, I went to Netflix and they suggested a rather heavy documentary upon my having watched a Louis C.K. performance. I thought it funny, so I was going to screen shoot it and show it to you all, but when I tried it, the image disappeared off the screen and no saved image could be obtained. Fuck you, Netflix.

But look at the man's wife's ridicule of the woman who can't take the noise....yeah, like she has no "legal" right to every hearing again.....

If I didn't have to wear the silly robe, I could get behind something like this....

Do you know what this man is doing?
 He's letting air out of the tires, thus lowering the truck so it can get under that bridge.

Could this be true?
 I know for a fact that real nuclear weapons have just fallen off an aircraft, so why not?

Could one of you really smart people explain this to me?

Flying buttresses at their very best....

Russians...you got to love Russians...

Remember the cities being created so Saudi women can conduct business? Here's the tally of opinion...

Food. Go figure....

You had one job......ONE........

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