About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, January 11, 2013

FRIDAY #1414

Us Gamecock fans just can't let this shit go...

Check this shit out. Think about me when you put on your galoshes...

Very interesting...conflicting, but interesting...

Brace yourself, Taylor Swift just got dumped again.

If it can go wrong, it will go wrong...

For sale...

It's best not to get so drunk that you can't spell your name.

The secret to creativity is to know how to hide your sources.

Need motivation to lose weight?

Just eat in front of a mirror....naked.

I'm not fat. I'm cultivating mass.

Sometimes I get nervous I haven't done anything with my life, but then something good comes on TV and I'm okay.

One of my greatest achievements was to convince most of the people I know that I have narcolepsy, then just fake it when I find myself in boring conversation.

I expect nothing, and I'm still disappointed.

This so looks like a W.C. Fields skit...

This is a very understanding woman...

This is a tunnel bore. Question: What happens to the protruding hook-up points at the bottom?

This actually looks like it's working...

Read this...
It was an Italian guy explaining how to spell Mississippi.

Chain mail socks...

Does shaving your butt make your asshole itch?

"It's so cold that I'm willing to have sex outside my weight class just for the body heat."

The brand Evian backwards is Naive.

Our house wine is Bud Light.

This is the way my wife does it...

One of my very own...

Guy prints out fake labels and attaches to packages in his office...

I found this very, very clever...
If you can't fit through the barrier, then you can't eat.

Oh, my...

One advantage of the Japanese nuclear accident...

Bullet proof Taco Bell in New Orleans...


I would like to think I could handle cancer this well...

I've watched movies so bad that I prayed there was a volume setting lower than mute.

This is what happened to me the last time I entered a church...

I moaned as I stood the other day, and a guy asked what happened to my back. I told him it was an old war injury.

"I got drunk and fell down a flight of stairs at an Oktoberfest in Germany during the Vietnam War."

To make mermaids cry...

Being upset is a side effect of giving a fuck.

Fireworks backwards...

Ran across this without even looking for it.

Looks exactly like my ammo belt filler...
By the way, have you seen the signature that may soon adorn all of our cash?
That is one lazy motherfucker.

Have you ever noticed that all bachelor's apartments smell like beer and shame.

How could anyone reach old age without being arrested at least once? What does your lack of arrest record say about you?

My dog was the bravest dog on the block...


The more fun you have on vacation, the more you hate your shitty little lives when you get back.

TRUE: A Chinese father hired a virtual hitman to 'kill' his son in online games so he will get a job.




Jambe said...

So... with Aarzon Swartz dead, likely because of our bullying, ignominious government... I feel compelled to share Neil Gaiman's account of his dog, Cabal, who lived a better life towards its end in Neil & co.'s care than Swartz did in the sights of the Feds.

I cried at Neil's account, but it was a good cry at a bond well-shared... this in marked contrast to the disgust I feel over Swartz' suicide.

Sorry for the downer. I'm under a tornado warning and the yard's flooding... what a fucking weird world we live in.

Ralph Henry said...

26 fucking years old!?!
He was a baby.
You think he was afraid he might go to jail?

Jambe said...

That's what Larry Lessig thinks, and he knew Aaron personally. The prosecution brought charges that could've seen a sentence of fifty years and $4 million in fines.

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