When my wife and I were on our road trip, we ran across a scene that looked very much like this...the only tree within miles...hundreds of miles. Hanging from and arranged on the ground was a collection items that (supposedly) each told a story.
That awkward moment when you realize that your conversation partner doesn't not appear to be running the same version of Sense of Humor as you.
As soon as a tornado warning is issued for my area I order a pizza just to see the look on the guy's face when he finally gets to my house.
Oh, look, she's into fantasy...
100% of people have done things that if you saw them do it, you would think them stupid.
How senseless...
I'm not sure, but I think my wife's family is just a family of bears that were shaved down and shown how to shit indoors.
And we were terrified of these people?
For a week after watching The Truman Show I never picked my nose when walking around just in case.
Ladies and gentlemen, the new park bench...
Where's the fucking charger outlet?
Somewhere at some time the guy trying to persuade a guy not to commit suicide got persuaded to kill himself.
See any sympathetic angles?
Do you know how much easier life would be if the "door close" buttons in elevators were actually functional.
One of my very own...
Alcohol - The best "night-time, speech slurring, headache creating, dehydration having, drink spilling, charm killing, so you think you can dance" medicine.
Got a comment about not giving credit for the images I share with you.
I think that if you have a hair up your ass about getting credit, then it is up to you to make it easy.
The old watermark has worked...
Then there is the site tag, usually at the bottom.
But check this out...
How the fuck do you copyright a 100 year old photo?
I will state that if any of you want to share one of my "One of my very own", then go ahead and share it. Had I wanted to keep it to myself, why would I post it on line?
Now let's see the latest research on gun violence in America...
And something I didn't expect...
Yet, parts of Chicago are free-fire zones. Go figure.
Last night my wife said, "We hardly speak anymore, Ralph. I just wanted to thank you."
I couldn't agree more...
Know what these are?
They are glass models of various bad things.
The pen is a tattoo...
A flat extension cord...
Just think: There are people so fucking lucky as to get a job at the unemployment agency. Further: There are people who quit that job.
The 7-11 that robs you!
Wouldn't you think that he would know there was a security camera?
This man deserves an award!
But he probably just found a cheat code.
People are always fucking up images of the moon.
This is the South Carolina flag. There ain't no way the shadow could look like that.
And here, they are BOTH wrong!
The curve of the shadow is exactly the same as the curve of the moon.
Which means that the "points" can never point toward one another.
How clever...
As a father of two daughters, I should have thought of this...
I can only assume this is very rare....
Oh, kintsukuroi (or kintsugi) is fantastic! In school I fell in love with a few Japanese pottery traditions.
I know, you know, that's not a moon on the SC flag. It must be a SC thing to keep people thinking it's a moon. Show who is the out of towners.
SC flag, you know.... Is it a way to tell SC residents from out of towners? Then again, I wonder how many people in SC, believes that really is a moon on the SC flag. Hell, I did a presentation on Box Turtles the other day, no one in the auditorium new it was our (NC) state reptile. What the hell do they teach kids in school now a days?
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