About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I love the absurd....

Jim Reed, you could get your kids to do this...

The banana is the world's leading comic crop.

This reminds me of my honeymoons....both of them...


 So this important debate has come down to this...
I listened to a lecture about what the data says about guns like the above.

A fish ladder to get millions of fish over dam...

There should never be an heir to a condom empire.

Any sentence that starts with 'Ice cream' and ends with 'violations of human rights in Syria' is a great way to wrap up a job interview.

Mashed potatoes are weird when you think about them in a sexual way.

This is from an old LIFE Magazine...

My friend, David, recently lost his ID.
Now we just call him Dav.

I recalled my favorite pick-up line recently.
"Do you like dragons? Cause soon I'll be dragon my ball across your face."

This was on the bottom of a menu...

One of my very own...


"I wonder why everybody has stopped right here in the middle of the...."
Stupid bastard.


It doesn't matter how busy you are, or how many people are in the supermarket, when an old lady hands you a ringing banana, you answer it.

Oh, look, another wardrobe malfunction...
You watched that more than once to make sure you got a good look at her nipple, didn't you.

If you know me well, you know I don't like being told what to do. This sign would normally piss me off. But look at the "artwork".
Look, guys, painting your name is not art...never has been, never will be.
 I can tolerate just about anything except just names...
 And some of them may just "speak"...

A beautiful backyard igloo...
 Made of ice bricks. But where do you get ice bricks?
 From empty milk cartons, filled and left outside...


This is my wife when I drop the F bomb at a gathering...
(That was a lie. That's me when my wife drops the F bomb)

I'm losing my mind, but as long as I keep the part that tells me when to pee, I should be okay.

"Laughing at your own mistakes can lengthen your life."
- Shakespeare
"Laughing at your wife's mistakes can shorten your life."
- Shakespeare's wife

I often find myself wondering through music and hardware stores assessing how many objects I could fashion into a bong.

If you say "I seen...", then I'll go ahead and assume that sentence will never end with "inside of a book."

Why don't they take all the near death animals in those commercials and feed them to the starving kids in those other commercials?

Car: 1
Pole: 0

Drunks are often funny...


Bunk Strutts said...

You've got a hella lot of good stuff here, and I lifted a couple of things that made me grin.

Since it's obvious that you aren't the author of many of images you post, why not give link credit to where you found it? That's the least a blogger can do.

I'll link back to you as long as you link to your sources. Deal?

Ralph Henry said...

Crediting is much easier said than done. I get most of the images sent to me from friends and relatives, or from sites that do not credit the images.
When they include the credit at the bottom of the image I have no problem giving credit, and would prefer to do so, but if I limited all my posts to only images I knew who to credit, then I am sure you would be disappointed with what I have to offer.
Does that even make sense? It's very early. Hope that helps you extend to me a little forgiveness.

Bunk Strutts said...

Didn't think about the uncredited email/forward scenario. Carry on!

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