I posted an image indicating that oral sex causes cancer. I thought it was a spoof. It was not. Click on this link for the straight poop.
>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<
You stare at your phone while seated at a table with me, one of us is going to move somewhere else...
Everything you ever wanted to know about mosquitos...
There is a mosquito research facility somewhere or the other. They study A LOT of mosquitos, and on more than one occasion (like a million times a day) some of the little fuckers get loose and bother the staff.
There is a mosquito research facility somewhere or the other. They study A LOT of mosquitos, and on more than one occasion (like a million times a day) some of the little fuckers get loose and bother the staff.
That, Gentle Reader, is an electrified grid. There's one on every desk in the facility. I want one.
Speaking of...how to tell a male from a female...
Speaking of...how to tell a male from a female...
Just another reason not to outlaw large bore weapons...
(Bore.....think about that for a moment)
I concur....
Shit like this is breaking out all over America. A clear case can be made that we are getting stupider....
I find it amazing that mega-stars Will Smith, Tom Hanks, and John Travolta started out in silly-ass sit-coms.
Damn, ya'll....I mean, DAMN!!!
Every normal person in the world should look at this at least once a year just to remind them of the power they have...
They told me I wouldn't get a hangover if I drank one glass of water for every bottle of beer. I decided to try it...
"Wait, wait...Juliet checked "no"?"
- Romeo
I always think the worse when I flush someone's toilet and the water keeps rising.
That fucker Darwin wins another one...
How do good kids who never get in trouble learn their middle names?
I wake up, shower, and get dressed for my nap.
Yes, life is good.
If you know a little kid who is always getting his ass kicked at school, just tell him to tell the bully about his Pokemon deck....that ought to do it.
I wonder what "don't touch" is in Braille.
Had you read my profile, you would know Groundhog Day is listed as my favorite movie. It probably isn't, but I had to write in something.
Anyway, I watched it again Saturday, then ran across these...
These are the glasses worn by John Lennon when he was murdered. Photo by Yoko Ono....
I think this is beautiful. Fuck princesses and princes, dress them up like scientists is what I say...
And while you're at it, play science games with them.
This is what happens when you wrap rubber bands around a watermelon.
This is some kind of weird-ass dam in Thailand...
This is some kind of weird-ass dam in Thailand...
The logic of it all...
I'm also amused when believers go on and on about how god created a perfect home for us.
Yeah, except for the millions of germs all trying to kill us the moment we let our guard down, and cancer, and tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, large hungry carnivores, and, my favorite, poisonous plants, insects, reptiles and mammals.
I left out asterriods because I don't know how to spell it.
As I understand it, these bad boys are probably brothers who roam around looking for a harem to take over.
Yeah, except for the millions of germs all trying to kill us the moment we let our guard down, and cancer, and tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, mudslides, large hungry carnivores, and, my favorite, poisonous plants, insects, reptiles and mammals.
I left out asterriods because I don't know how to spell it.
As I understand it, these bad boys are probably brothers who roam around looking for a harem to take over.
Please AMC, don't kill off Daryl.
World, meet your cynicism king....
You may think I talk about this more than is necessary, but I feel strongly about it.
I don't give a shit how you wear your hair or what clothes you wear, but here's my rule. If I spend a month in a remote cabin in the woods, would I continue to expend the energy necessary to maintain my usual get-up?
My solution to the problem is to not have a get-up.
"I'm not that horny. I just got out of prison."
That has to be the saddest line in a movie I've ever heard.
I found this image fascinating. I'm not sure is other people personify pain like I do or not, but I imagine that my back pain is a real thing that has invaded my body. I even talk to him.
When a stab of pain hits me, I tell him it was a "Good one, Motherfucker!" or "Is that the best you got?"
It seems to make it more manageable.
Children exempt, of course...
It seems to make it more manageable.
Children exempt, of course...
This store gives a $4 discount if your kids behave themselves...
This guy is good...
Turn any chair into a rocker...
A couple of books you might want to check out...
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