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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, July 18, 2013



I "acquired" this last night. Figure I'll tag it to something tomorrow....

Saw this truck...
This is the name of his rig...
Want a laugh? Do the math on that shit.

Took a scenic road, saw this...


Cow. Fork. Steak. Eat. Get it?
And here is your humble host hard at work sans hat and blue denim shirt...something you don't see often...
In case you're interested...

See the yellow sign? There were dozens and dozens of those along the highway. Who could resist stopping...
The store had some of the cheapest shit ever shipped out of China, but they did have more silver dollars than I have ever seen. The walls of the bar were covered in them and the ceiling was at least 30' high...
And interestingly, at least to me, they took planks of wood and bored shallow holes in them to accommodate the coins...similar to how I do my tags...

Saw my first forrest fire...
 Anybody else see a ghost face in the smoke upper right?

The haze from the fire went on for miles...

The interstate crossed over this river dozens of times, but I never had the opportunity to stop...finally made it onto a shoulder just wide enough for my truck, but the wife was too terrified to get the coordinates...

What else would you expect on Clark Fork

Storm back home. This is in my neighborhood. As far as we know our home sustained no damage...
Plus localized flooding...

The Carolina Panthers, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, had these tees printed up featuring SOUTH Carolina.

When they named the team, I think they wanted some kind of regional appeal like the New England Patriots. The original idea was to have the stadium straddle the border of SC and NC, but that didn't work out, so they put it in Charlotte. What they forgot to take into account was that people in SC hate NC and vice versa.

I've always wanted to be able to do this. 

Could somebody explain this to me?

Why do we never talk about the fact that for the past 15 years in a small town in Alaska, the mayor has been a cat?

How the fuck does this work?

Seriously, I hate these fuckers...and check out the blunted horns...
Fucking sissy-ass cheats.

A Nazi taking a shit...something you don't see everyday...

This guy's last day before being shipped home...

My wife started complaining that the internet was too slow and I pointed out she was pounding on an opened pizza box.

This headline is extraordinary. It says that after the CIA tortures the shit out of high profile prisoners, they have to go to great lengths to keep them sane...look it up.
Therefore, this somehow makes sense...
That headline may be the only time those words were ever arranged in that order.
NOTE: I have a real love/hate relationship with the word "only". It is so troublesome that I am planning a whole post on the subject.

Why is patience a virtue? Why can't "hurry the fuck up" be a virtue?

Somebody said 5 Pentagons would fit inside.

Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.

I had already deleted the image when I thought of a much funnier caption:
For obvious reasons, Chief Dick For Nose never allowed himself to be photographed.

There should be a box labeled "Ingenuity" on the ER admissions form.

My favorite pick-up line" "Hey, do you want to come back to my place and watch porn on my flat screen....mirror?"

Admirable street art...

Does everyone else speak perfect English when talking to your self in your mind?

Right on, little warrior...

I only do what the voices in my wife's head tell her to tell me to do.

I went into a restroom where they stored the "Please Wait To Be Seated" sign when not in use.
I wonder how many problems that caused for people who compulsively follow rules?

In Paris women have little feet.

A riot somewhere...

On line I found an African kid saying, "So you're telling me you have so much clean water that you shit in it?"
I had a comment left a while back about using gray water from sinks, showers, washing machines to flush black water...toilets. I read once that many newer building are using rain water, which I think is brilliant.

Brainwashing not complete...

I was watching one of those casting couch porn movies, then I saw the same actress in another movie, so I guess she got the job.

You can answer almost any question with "Not since the accident."
Example: "So, Ralph, do you skydive?" (translation: I skydive and you don't and I want to talk about me)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The steak thing: the longer a steak cooks, the tougher it gets. As you hold you hand in the positions indicated, the heel of your hand gets more firm (tougher). So if you poke the heel of your open hand, pretty soft, so feels the same as if you poke a rare steak. Close your index finger and thumb and poke, a little firmer--feels the same as poking a medium rare steak, and so on.
Until you get to thumb and pinkie which stands in for a well done steak. Which is sacrilege. At that point just ask for a piece of charcoal and save the rest of us from seeing such inbovine treatment...

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