About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


(what with the new dog, not much time to fuck with this post...did the best I could)

Believing in god is very easy. In the last century two white men looking for gold marched into the heart of New Guinea with a hundred or so black porters. All the tribes they came upon thought they were gods bringing back the souls of their dead ancestors. The white men found gold, by the way.
As late as WWII, islanders thought the American airmen were gods, swooping in from the sky in their giant "birds".

Heard something interesting yesterday. It said that religious people don't really consider it faith, but rather knowledge. I have to think about that.

I think comparative religion should be a required course in high school.

Miracles and magic tricks.
I've never recieved an explanation of a question I raised so years ago. Moses throws down his staff and  god turns it into a snake. Then the priests throw down their staffs and they all turn into snakes. Then Moses' snake at the others...but that doesn't matter.
My question is, did the priests perform a miracle?

I once pointed out contradictions in the bible to a believer and he said, "That’s the beauty of the bible…it’s a mystery unfolding right before our eyes."
With logic like that I could have just as well been talking to a coat rack.

As should be abundantly clear by now, I am a gambler. I bet on the most likely. Don’t have to win every time, you just have to win more than you lose.
When I look at the thousands of religions and am told that someone just happened to be born into the right one, I just wish I could bet. The odds are astronomical in my favor that you were, in fact, not that lucky.

ONLY. What a great word. Our planet is the only one with intelligent life. Our galaxy is the only one with such a planet. Our location in just the right zone around our sun is the only zone that can harbor life. Our universe is the only one. Time can only move in one direction. The Big Bang only happened once. Our consciousness is the only one that is created by “god”. Me and the people like me are the only ones to solve the answers to life’s most perplexing problems. Yeah, right.
If only I was intelligent enough to understand….but you are. You are intelligent enough to know that you (mankind) will never understand the universe. It is just too large and too complex for us (in our present state) to grasp. So learn what you can, but get on with a life that does more good than harm.
Once you realize that life is finite, you don’t want to waste a moment of it.

God seems obsessed over where a man puts his dick.

 Yeah, right on your fucking money.

Last image of Earth taken by Voyager 1

Yes, we are so very special as to warrant the attention of the creator of it all.

Hell is under the Earth....don't think so...

So, Jesus, whose fault is this?

I respect these people's bullshit the exact amount I respect all others'....

And it all started with superstition...which is still going on...
We can trace the development of religion. We know why it developed. We know how many claims of divinity there have been...most now laughable. I think it's time you started asking the really tough questions...

If you are a believer, why don't you want to kill queers?
If I was a believer, I would obey my creator.

Can you imagine how boring heaven would be?

You can't prove that they don't exist...

What the fuck is Backmasking?

Now let's talk about this...
How can all the religions possibly coexist? They are all willing to die for their beliefs. Why don't we just face it and let them kill each other? Us non-believers could sit back and doctor the wounded or some shit, then start all over again from scratch.


Spider Borland said...

"So learn what you can, but get on with a life that does more good than harm."

I think should be the closing sentence of every post from here on out. I don't care what a person believes as long as they at least abide by this.

Ralph Henry said...

Let it be said, let it be so.

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