About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 5, 2013

MONDAY #1714

Guys, when your girlfriend wants you to act out her rape fantasy, make sure her parents aren't home.

An artist volunteers to paint homeless people's signs...lots of signs...

The "close-door" button in the elevator, the crosswalk button at the intersection, even the thermostat in your office — there's a good chance that they're all placebos. Over the last 20 years or so, many (though, weirdly, not all) of these buttons have become technically useless, but are left in place both because it's expensive to replace existing equipment and because, psychologically, they still serve a purpose.

TSA declares war on adolescent sarcasm

Should parents be allowed to design their babies?

Should people be forced to die once indefinite lifespans are achieved?

Do people living in the present have more value than future persons?

Yeah, my dick is bigger than your dick...

I have nothing against painting trains, except covering up the codes that help track the car, but that's a whole nother conversation.
 What separates those guys from most train bombers is that they have at least a little bit of talent, and talent takes work...lots of work.

"That's what she said...."

If someone tells you it’s not a pyramid scheme, it’s a pyramid scheme.

85% of men surveyed said they gave their sex partner an orgasm the last time they had sex.
43% of women reported they had an orgasm the last time.
I think the take away here is that women are kind of bad at noticing their own orgasms.

If we always obeyed our parents we’d still be living in caves.

"Holy" man...

Photographer talks total strangers into intimate poses...

The internet is abuzz with Obama wanting this image off the internet....bullshit....

A true headline...

A real headline...

Electric curling irons have a warning tag that says, “For external use only”. Which one of you sick fucks made that necessary?

It's called "news"...


Practice makes perfect...and she needs A LOT of practice...

Why you should wear a motorcycle helmet...a visual...

Don't be that guy...

I read a study that said Wednesday was the best day to go grocery shopping. Apparently everyone else in my neighborhood read the same study.

Okay, guys, who wants his job...and I want to see a show of hands....hands!

Young men aren’t gay because they didn’t have a strong male figure in their life. They are gay because they want a strong male figure in their ass.


Jim Reed said...

The Map Tour is now Complete!

Tagging Across America

I wish I could have included more scenic pictures …but alas, had to keep the points under 100. We’ve enjoyed the journey with you and Deb. Now let’s see how many pics of followers find there way to the Internet next to your tags.

…I disavow any knowledge, relationship, partnership, or vested interests in anything I may, or may not have taken liberty with…allegedly…in this map…plus tax, tag and title.

Ralph Henry said...

Thank you. It really made this old man feel special. Give those kids a hug from their Uncle Ralph.

Spider Borland said...

To be fair, the picture of Obama kissing Chavez is doctored and is totally fake. I think, it's an advertisement for Italian clothes.

Is your "bullshit" comment based on that knowledge? I read it from you as "Obama doesn't want people to think he actually did this, and I think they should know," when it never actually happened.

Just looking for an argument. Just curious.

Ralph Henry said...

Picture of Obama had text something like...Obama wants this image off the internet....I've seen shit like that a thousand times and they were all fake. Just wanted to warn my less internet savvy readers.

Spider Borland said...

Oh crap! Several days later, coming back to this... I mistyped. "NOT looking for an argument. Just curious," is what I meant.

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