About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


The new burger...
Some say it doesn't taste all that good, but that misses the point. They can add any damn flavor you want, but now we have real meat without antibiotics, growth hormones, and, for those who care, no suffering. It is expensive now, but you bump up production and the price will fall dramatically. My jury is still out, but I see us all eating stuff like this in the near future.

"Sorry I got so drunk and ended up being really mouthy and offensive at your party next week."

Saw a whole collection of communist era agricultural propaganda posters. Some of them, like this one, were totally undecipherable...

There is no such thing as an appropriate joke. That’s why it’s a joke.


For reasons too boring to discuss, I once found myself in a computer class for beginners. We spent one whole class "learning" how to copy and paste. The instructor had one ironclad run...we were not allowed to get ahead of the group. I did this sort of thing often....
 I finally opened another tab and pulled up a word game. All the people behind me could see what I was doing and none of them ratted me out.

Me racist? The only race I hate is the kind you have to run.

Just think, somewhere, somehow, there is a logical explanation for this...

Sense entered into a short, violent skirmish with instinct and inclination, and was soon overwhelmed.

This is a pretty good way to learn how NOT to get cheated...

 Yeah, but what about my computer games?

When I was a kid, I used to….no wait, I still do that.

Age 10: I will never do drugs in my life.

Age 21: I’ll probably never do meth.

I guess every colony needs a smartass...

Something is wrong with the left phalange.

It should be against the law to sell alcohol to anyone with a painted face.

Just something else to worry about...

A guy in China invented this device that screws onto an extension handle to better black out security cameras...

It stated that this was on Omaha Beach. I doubt that, but still provocative sand sculpture...

I will find any opportunity to purposefully mispronounce the creative, unique name you gave your little snowflake.

I’m mature for my age.

Season 4, episode 20 of Spongebob is titled “The Best Day Ever.”

Willy Nelson fought and probably died for my right to party.

I had a friend in art school in the early '70's who combed through thrift shops and yard sales for cheap reproductions, then paint over most of them. This is a more upscale example of that technique...

Too old to trick or treat, to young to die.

Not saying it’s too hot down here, but two hobbits just threw a ring in the cab of my truck.

Why don’t we just admit that the US already has an official language….third grade English.

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