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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Russians, not known for their sense of humor, make fun of themselves during closing ceremonies....
I find that admirable.

The Olympics. When the world celebrates the greatest achievements in sports by sitting on the couch watching TV for two weeks.

As a child, this woman was burned in a house fire and spent decades in her room too self-conscious to come out. Then she met a doctor...

What is amazing is that, she did not have a face transplant. Prof. Dr Mehmet Mutaf used her OWN TISSUE to reconstruct her face. Doctor used, cartilage and bone taken from her ribs, hair from her head for her eyebrows, her skin tissue from her arm, also fat from her body to shape her face and finally used skin from her neck to make skin on her face. 

Proof that my wife is Southern through and through, she refers to my accident as "the unfortunate incident".

Do the math...

People who say “shan’t” are just trying too fucking hard.

Painting the Golden Gate Bridge...
 As I understand it, when they reach the other end they start all over again.

Oh, Jesse, you magnificent bastard...

The Milky Way is teeming with planets just like Earth.
You think there are teams of priests in the basement of the Vatican preparing a defense of Christianity when intelligent life is found elsewhere? I vote...probably.

In New Mexico, a photographer declined to take pictures of a lesbian couple’s commitment ceremony. In Washington State, a florist would not provide flowers for a same-sex wedding. And in Colorado, a baker refused to make a cake for a party celebrating the wedding of two men.

The business owners cited religious beliefs in declining to provide services celebrating same-sex relationships.
Boy, this is a tough one, but my libertarian side side says they have a right to provide services to whomever they please, no matter how repugnant I find it.

What if Santa Claus drank……a lot?

Marry someone who could walk in on you taking a shit and not cause you to freak out.

Everyone done keeping calm yet?

Anyone who feels bad about dumping a huge national debt on the next generation hasn't spent a lot of time around teenagers.

I bought a computer program that would allow me to make faces by clicking on different eyes, mouths, etc. It's actually very effective. It's probably the same program the police used for this...
 Then there's this guy...

Forrest Gump came out 20 years ago. Can you believe that?! 
Of course you can because you’re not an idiot who doesn’t know how time works.

Mexico captures No.1 drug kingpin 'Shorty' Guzman...

Let the mayhem begin.

This is an animation of DNA replication by DNA polymerase and accurately shows the function of all its subunits.

This guy makes street art with colored sand...

GOOD NEWS... If you make minimum wage you don't have to pay income tax....or eat.

I once read that these things were responsible for more forest and prairie fires than anything else...

There are no people more shameless than the elderly in a locker room.

This is my old friend Dom Fusci...the funniest man I have ever met. He's dead now. He was one of the charter members of the All Century Football Team at the University of South Carolina...among many other honors.
Oh, he served on a PT-Boat in WWII...
I miss him very much.

Let's think about this a moment...
 Besides that being a very strange image, the question begs to be asked...How hard was it for a god to overcome death? What does that prove? His fucking daddy created the whole universe and I'm supposed to be impressed that humans couldn't kill him. Give me a break.

Reclining chairs are the number one cause of accidental ferret death.

Is there a difference between men and women? Yes, a vas deferens.
(look it up...I did)

What kind of low-life motherfucker would do such a thing? If anything belongs to all of mankind, wouldn't you think this would be near the top of the list?

Talk about clever utilization of space...

The only real downside of being a virgin is that you can literally be used as a blood sacrifice at any given moment.

Oh, Steve.....
 This is from a photo shoot for Playboy. I can assure you that the "hand guy" is but one of a dozen people standing around to do her hair, powder her tush, etc. For some reason I haven't yet identified, I find that a real turn-off.

A repost that I still find humorous...
...boys just wanna have fun.

Be careful with this one...

My wife thinks every illegal immigrant should be given citizenship with the logic that we are a nation built on immigration.
But what does that do to the past generation who were turned away by the thousands for being less that worthy of admittance?
These are health inspectors on Ellis Island...
 Now people come across the border with every disease imaginable and walk among us without consequence.
Good for you, Sparky.

Architectural photography at its best...

Nine out of ten doctors agree the tenth one should just chill the fuck out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I read more of your blog, I realized two Things. 1) You make fun of the Bible a lot and 2) You lack understanding of the gospel.
Most people don't want to hear about the Bible because it has rules or laws that you must follow called commandments because it has always been Kingdom first, it's about order and righteousness. When sin was first committed, death and disease entered mankind and was the reason for birthing the church. The church serves to heal people's infirmities. When Jesus walked on earth He abided by all the commandments all the while healing everyone from demon possession, to the maimed, blind, mental, diseased and the dead but nobody else has ever been able to follow all the commandments because we all are born with an inherited sin nature, like a genetic disease that is passed down from our family. We inherited a sin nature from Adam and Eve, the very first people alive on earth, that is why children as young as 2 years old start to lie, cheat and steal automatically on their own without having someone teaching them how to sin. Adam was a king, he had a crown (Lamentations 5:16), the Bible says "Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves service to obey, his servant you are..."-(Romans 6:16), which means whosoever's voice you obey, you are a servant to that person. Adam had a kingdom, many peoples, kings and nations came from Adam. But when Adam obeyed the voice of the serpent (satan) by eating the forbidden fruit, the crown fell off his head. And when it fell, who do you think picked it up? This is how the devil has a kingdom, known as the kingdom of darkness. So when you sin, you are automatically serving the devil and a part of his kingdom. That is why when we make Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, the Bible says
"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son"-Colossians 1:13
Jesus never sinned because He is the Holy Son of God, devoid of all sin. That's why He said "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins."-John 8:23
He came from heaven down to earth and became as a humble human, prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 "For unto us [humans] a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Jesus Christ experienced all hardship as we do. He had to come as the second Adam (1 Corinthians 15:47) and become the ultimate sacrifice to pay for the sins of mankind to get the crown back and reconcile us to God, because no sin can enter heaven, and nobody but a sinless one could have paid it all, that's the power of His blood, it blots out all sin from the record of your life, as if it was never there.He did this because He loves you so much, sin separates us from the Holy God, before Adam and Eve sinned, they talked with God face to face. God made a plan to save the human race without going back on His Word, because God has exalted His Word above His name, so once God says "it is the blood that makes an Atonement for the soul because the life of the flesh is in the blood" (leviticus), then God can't take it back, simply because God is a righteous judge, He always keeps His word. So sending His Son to die for us was what had to be done because it agrees with His laws. Life on this earth is a test, a tiny speck of time compared to the eternity after you die. So choose where you want to spend eternity, in heaven or hell. You might not want to read what I'm saying on here but you might never step foot in a church so I'm bringing the gospel to you. JESUS SAVES, you can gamble your life on that!

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