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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


I am not one of those people who are afraid of the bible. I know that Jesus had a really cool message...except for that bit about slaves honoring their master...but why nitpick.
But when I read something like this...

I have to ask myself why believers don't just put it to a test, or better yet, read the results that are already available.
 The percentages of churches destroyed by tornados or hurricanes is the exact number as it should. People who pray die in storms at the same exact ratio as people who don't.
The bible is full of out and out mistakes...
...or lies.

I am acutely aware that belief in the supernatural brings relief to some people who fear the void of nothingness following their inevitable demise...
I'm not sure I was ever a true believer even though I was raised in a Christian home and attended church regularly. But long about middle school I had to ask myself a question: Why would all the scientists lie?
I came down on the side of the scientists.
It took guts to do that. But with the dogma put safely in the box of my past, I felt liberated...free.

I was told not to think about such things....
I was told that thinking for one's self was the work of the devil. But once the cork was out of the bottle, I guzzled at will.
 Most believers I've met mostly hang around with people who think just like they do...a reenforcing mechanism that makes logical thinking almost impossible...

Let me clarify. I'm glad that my dear mother thought she was going to live with Jesus in a city paved with gold for eternity. It took away her fear of the unknown. Churches do some good stuff...helping the poor, etc. Thinking someone has planned your life must be....rewarding.
But it doesn't stop there. It leads to a ban on alcohol sales on Sunday. Stores can't open on the "holy" day. And not too long ago, blacks couldn't marry whites...all based on the bible.
Today we have people passing laws based on their belief that a clump of cells in a womb has a "soul". They believe that homosexuality is a choice and must be punished.
Churches don't pay taxes, not even on property that makes money for the church.
If believers would just let their belief give them comfort, then I don't give a shit. But it never stops with that. They have to punish the people who think differently than they do.

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