About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 16, 2014

FRIDAY #1987

He and I have a lot in common...
 But a lousy one thousand dollars? He should have done much, much better than that. I like the last sentence, though.

Boy, this didn't take long...

This is really not as dangerous as it looks....
 But it just goes to show you that a man will solve a problem with whatever "tools" are available.

This poor guy never read the instructions...

You think they were smart enough to do this way back when?
 And on a related note...

Well, which is it?
It can't be both.

I remember when I used to think hitting the ‘control’ key would put me in control.

Six Word Short Stories...

The Zippo lighter was invented during WWII because it could operate with gasoline which was, as one would expect, in great supply...

Have you ever wondered why an electric company would give you hundreds of dollars in rebates to insulate your home, or put in storm windows, etc?

 Read that they used a REAL horse head and it scared the shit out of this guy...
 Never enter a licking contest with a dog...
That woman looks exactly like one of my bartenders, Lynn.

Have you ever been so lonely that you...
 You can almost hear this guy squealing with delight...
 They take turns playing dead...
Patterns...it's all about patterns...

And you know I like this...on many levels...

Some of these stories are very good.

Shit you don't see every day...
The girl on the right is not amused.

Top 5 Biggest Employers In The World

5. McDonalds – 1.9M

4. Indian Army – 1.9M
3. Walmart – 2.1M
2. Chinese Army – 2.3M
1. US Army – 3.2M

(Army indicates all armed forces)


Two Of My Very Own...

Conformity is the death of art.

(this should be shared with every street artist in the world)

Clean underwear? If I were in an accident, the first thing I would do is shit myself anyway.

 Been asked if I would eat a person if I was starving...
 Yes. Yes, I would.

Well, at least he doesn't go to bed hungry...

Why do we all feel so poor if we have to eat a hot dog on loaf bread?

Can you imagine NOT being qualified to work at McDonalds?


7 Viagra tablets are sold every second.

Multi-tasking at its best...

One time my sister punched me right in the face…it was awesome.

(and I never forgot it)

One in ten European babies is conceived on an IKEA bed.

Yes, Merica is his real name...

There is a middle-aged woman in my area who visits restaurants, eats her fill, complains about the meal and refuses to pay. Sometimes the cops are called. The cops always refuse to arrest her and after it is explained that the staff will be called to court to testify, she is ALWAYS released....with a verbal restraining order.



marlinmo said...

Ever hear of this man?
I live in St. Pete Fl.
Saw his work in the Times.

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks. I enjoyed that very much. I was thinking about how long it took him to get in the right position to take his shots, then after it was over I saw a thumbnail of him pulling a canoe through a swamp.
Just another guy of many people I would like to meet.

Ralph Henry said...

Thanks. I enjoyed that very much. I was thinking about how long it took him to get in the right position to take his shots, then after it was over I saw a thumbnail of him pulling a canoe through a swamp.
Just another guy of many people I would like to meet.

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