About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

SUNDAY #1989

Another Mars anomoly....this time...wood...

 I shun celebrity bullshit, but a question begs to be asked concerning this...
 Had the roles been reversed, and the man was on tape attacking the woman, what do you think would have happened?

Go figure.

Cannon ball in mercury...
With the price of mercury being what it is, that is one expensive-ass demonstration.

I feel everyone should apply this truism to their holy books...


People like this make me think more highly of myself...
...and his wife and child...just...walk...away.

And they were both cut from the same cloth.

Fuck this guy...
I will always be on the side of tortured animals....for our amusement.

How awesome would it be to come home to find Bruce Springsteen on your toilet?


There's a difference between having a unique name and a regular name that's spelled wrong.

And our senators and representatives STILL outlaw this because they have been bribed to do so by people who stand to lose money with its legalization. And we elect them over and over and over again.

Boy, this hits close to home...

So...why is this news?
The US wins shit by default all the time.

These are actual comments left on Pornhub...
Reading the comments on ANYTHING is usually very entertaining.

God I hope this is true...

This in response from a viewer to the young woman who had never driven on a dirt road...

You haven't lived until you've gotten your car stuck pulling out of your driveway. 

To build a flea circus you have to start from scratch.

Damn! At first I thought it said, "...with 17 students."
I was thinking I would have liked to see that.

I'm assuming the gun is there for scale.
Speaking of scale...

Guy goes for the gold...
...and she does not seem displeased.

Powerful life statement...

The face of civil war - Syria.....

Three suburban street layouts...

I've got a great idea for another money sculpture...
I've put it off for too long. I need one more ingredient and I'll be ready. Update to follow.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

Thanks for the shout out.

Reading the comments on ANYTHING is usually very entertaining... and VERY infuriating.

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