About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 6, 2014

FRIDAY #2007

With the amount of poker playing I've done lately, here's a little ditty to listen to while you scroll...

No beach today. Wind was blowing at about 800 miles an hour - strong enough to remove facial hair. Me thinks a storm is brewing.


Finally got a shot of one of the foxes...
 Everyone was upset because some of the neighbors have called Animal Control to relocate the little bastards, but I think that's probably from fear of rabies.



Heard Dr. Tyson give a little talk about numbers. Here's an interesting part.

The average man or woman in America walks down the sidewalk and sees a coin. The question is, what is the smallest denomination of coin that the average person with an average income would take the time to stoop and pick up. Well, studies have revealed that hardly anyone will lean over for a penny. Few will pick up a nickel. More will pick up a dime, but damn near everyone will pick up a quarter. So the cut off is somewhere between a dime and a quarter.
Now let's scale that up to Bill Gates and his income. The question is, if the same rules apply to Bill as applies to the average American, what is the smallest amount of money that he would take his time to lean over and pick up.
If it was say, $42K, he's like "Nah, I'm too busy for that."

Batman would look ridiculous trying to solve crimes outside during the daytime.

There is something hypnotic about a fire like the one below...
You can tell a lot about a person just by the way he deals with a bonfire.

Saying “Literally, literally” has got to stop.

And not one fuck was given or taken...

Tequila is not my friend. I spent all morning emailing apologies for last night.

The idea is instead of building tunnels under the water, you lay the track and pressurize the trains...
I really think that could work.

Movies that the critics hated and the public liked...
 Movies that the critics liked and the public loathed...
Baa-Ram-Ewe, asshole.

I wonder if anyone remembers this great episode of The Twilight Zone...
...besides Margaret.

Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer.

Now that I’m retired there is too much pressure for me to enjoy myself.

 I found that very funny.

Then there's taking Coke machines out of high schools because some kids are fat. Why wouldn't you just forbid the fat kids from drinking Coke's?!

One Of My Very Own...

I just took a shit and learned something about myself. I give up too easily.


I'm not sure I understand what's so bad about looking one's age...

"Thou must not show a nipple in public!"
Who made up that ridiculous crap? What the hell is so shameful about a woman's nipple?

That's a lie...my ex is a wonderful person...and for all I know, so is Satan.

The last time I apologized to my wife for oversleeping, she reminded me that it was 4:30 in the afternoon.

Have you noticed that people who love other people for “who they are,” are also ugly.

Never look behind you when you’re puking.

I had a friend in high school who was voted Most Likely To Have His Name Mispronounced At Graduation.


Every man's face when your wife tells him she’s on her period AFTER the foreplay.

I read that a bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma.

Anybody else call in sick to work because you ate too much breakfast?

I've stood in places just like this. I imagined all kinds of things that could have happened there...

This is a very rich man...where he comes from...

I used to fuck with paint like this...
Then I switched to muffin tins.

When I was painting canvas paintings every day, I think that's about how many made the cut...but, of course, I was an expressionist...so....

Babies in peril always sickens me...

Child Birth: So easy a woman can do it.

(said the chauvinists...once)


All social media needs a button like this...

On the internet, NOTHING is beyond sarcasm...

Stevie and his first wife...

The grumpier I am, the more assholes I meet.

What a wonderful idea...

You print an image on waxpaper...
 Then apply it to wood...
 I'm thinking of pictures of your child on their bed. A good coating of a UV blocking clear coat and it should last a long, long time.

There will be a post of images tomorrow, but cut me some slack on the lack commentary.

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