About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 26, 2014

FRIDAY #2210


I don't allow myself to get too excited or too disappointed about most things. I just take it as it comes. However, there are exceptions.
The case in point involves my decision to allow my friend the chef to cook anything he wanted during my Christmas Eve visit to his restaurant....
 No, that is not a photo of my meal. That is just a picture I ran across online. The real meal didn't warrant photo documentation...
After all the many preliminary courses, it was time for the main event. I watched as first my daughter was served with a hunk of lamb that would have choked a medium-sized carnivore. Then came steak and fish for other family members. Then.......nothing.
I waited, and waited and nothing came out of the kitchen for me. After many long, long minutes the waiter brought out two little pieces of steak, one of which had a single shrimp atop. They looked extremely small sitting as they were in the middle of such a large plate.
Tasted good....but not great. To say I was puzzled would be a huge understatement.
Then the chef came out of the kitchen and asked how everyone liked their meals, but he never made eye contact with me....awkwardly avoiding it even.
Then the bill came and I was not charged for my "steaks".
There was too much going on for me to give it much thought, so I literally slept on it. In the middle of the night I woke up and realized that the poor man had destroyed the meal he had cooked for me (either miscooking it or dropping it on the floor) and was forced to substitute something fast....thus the steak chunks. That explains why my meal was so late, why it was free, and most importantly why he was too embarrassed to make eye-contact.

Digital Elevation Model of the Contiguous United States...

The longer my wifi was down, the hotter Judge Judy got.

 When Cuba opens up I bet most of these old cars will be shipped back to the US. The problem, of course, is that by now 90% of the car is dent filler.
(I posted that many days ago, and today there was an article in the newspaper about just that)

 A demonstration of the importance of proper shoulder brace for large bore weapons...

747 landing through the fog...

I know for a fact that some of the best days of my life haven’t happened yet.

Texas plumber Jeff Oberholtzer has some important advice for business owners: Take company logos off your vehicles before they're traded in. He didn't, and now a Ford F-250 pickup truck he traded in at a dealership in Houston last year has ended up in the hands of Islamic militants in Syria, who have turned it into an anti-aircraft firing weapon.

You don't have to be a raging liberal to know that black people in America have a rough time...
I hear many arguments about the high crime rate of blacks, and how they drop out of school in greater numbers, etc, but that is not the problem, that is symptoms of the problem.

Another ad in Kenya "Save the trees"...

What screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be.

Tokyo, 1930s...

I want the job where you push scared skydivers out of planes.

This person would probably go see The Interview dispite the threats...

How to solve that very difficult puzzle I've posted earlier...

Dress for the body you have, not the the body you want…

 Speaking of...

My dream job would be driving the karma bus.

Fish tank puts out fire saving home...

What were they thinking...

Life was simpler when we did things “Just Because”.

Looks like a model...

Actual image of floodwaters in the village of Jeram Perdas, Malaysia. 

Man boobs are just wonderful…wait, I forgot the comma.

One Of My Very Own...

A new highly acclaimed scientific research paper has proven that vaccinations are the leading cause of immunization. 

This is the long straight line you can travel without having to cross a major body of water...

Ask and ye shall receive...

Larry Wayne Chaffin from St. Louis.

 "Gum" massager.


Just following my habit of posting anything with Ralph in the caption...

I have noticed that many normal human beings turn into really awful people when they get behind the wheel of an automobile...

We all have that one old aunt we only see every seven years…

What happens if you put a Werewolf on the moon?


From a photoessay "Guardians"...

First you build a small cabin...
 Then you cover it in spray-on concrete...
Place it on a hillside and it blends in with the environment...

Yes, we have our differences. My wife says ‘potato’ and I say ‘Bud Light’.


I can understand the vegetarian viewpoint. I will concede the fact that an animal has to be raised just to be slaughtered mercilessly just to feed us humans and it's horrible. However, I don't give a fuck.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

What gets easier to pick up the heavier it gets?

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