About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


First the weather news...

This woman is being released from prison. Make of the image what you will...

Throw my wife to the wolves and she will come back leading the pack.

 Plus the individual photon spent 100,000 years or so bouncing around inside the sun before it made it's way to the surface.

I know you all know that, but it's still cool to read about it again.

Can we assume this had to be laser cut?

Just a reminder...you can buy those little stickers on line...

To the people comparing Ronaldo before and after fame, I present Lionel Messi.

A clock is a device to detect the motion of the monster that killed your grandma and is coming for you.

You gotta love this guy...

A wonderful sign...

Do you people even know how awesome it is to mix two cereals?

 Anybody want to try and explain this to me?

Wearing a fur coat to PetSmart...

Posed photography you don't see every day...

How I wish I was still young enough to sneak around at night an spray paint stuff on walls...

I'm thinking this is a pencil drawing...
Rather powerful, don't you think?

Why do I have one bar on my phone in my living room, but ISIS can upload a beheading video from the middle of the gawddamn desert?

 The Greeks used to go to war naked. When they won a battle they butt fucked the wounded enemy. It was said that each one of them had a hard-on during combat.
A friend of mine was on the first thrust during Gulf War I and told me when the attack was in full swing, he got a raging hard on. Come to find out it was a very common occurance...something about the adrenalin. 

Now don't deny that you've learned something today.

I've had something very similar done to me one time...
My wife threw me a surprise birthday party at my bar and one of her friends handed me a card to open. It being dark I lowered my face to read the message, but when I opened it, it was full of glitter. The "friend" then smacked the bottom of the card to cover me with glitter and have a giggle or two, but my eyes were wide open and thousands of those little bits of metal(?) ended up in my eyes. I thought I was going to go blind, but they helped me in the women's bathroom and for many long minutes assisted in irrigating my eyes. That was the last surprise party I was every to have.

This is about the sickest shit I've ever seen parents teach a child to do...
Damn! That if fucking awful!

One Of My Very Own...

Ever wonder how Allied troops got enough gasoline to race toward Berlin after D-Day?
 Well, they ran a pipe line from England, under the English Channel, and half way across Europe...

Guy went ice fishing for the first time and wanted to take a picture of the hole they drilled. Look carefully....
That thing sitting on the bottom is his cellphone.

Children I love on another fossil collecting trip with their father...
From the father: We have also been to McDonnell Observatory.  The kids saw four of Jupiter’s moons and watched one “disappear” as it moved in front of Jupiter, only to see the shadow of the moon cast on the surface 30 mintues later.

(you people really ought to write this shit down under "Parenting Tips")

My and my wife's name in one gag...had to post it...
I so wish I had made that up myself.

Nice notice in ER....

Notice the missed shot that spooked them...
It's almost like he shot at the only spot NOT occupied by a goat...sheep? Whatever.

Had a long conversation with a bright young man about not only using rain water collected from gutters to flush toilets, but also gray water...
 Everybody I've ever talked to agrees that this is a good idea, but it's not even considered as part of a building code.

The kneeling desk led to the standing desk and thence to the treadmill desk, but I propose that we bring this full circle to the lying down in bed desk.

I can honestly tell you that I know exactly how hard this kind of detail is to paint...

There's a my wife came out of the bathroom naked joke in here somewhere...

 Another naked woman who required some persuasion by a photographer to do something rather silly...
 ...and uncomfortable.

You might want to look at this carefully for a few spins...
 Did you notice that it kept changing from an old and young shilouette?

What a wonderful thing to stumble upon. 

Costs of living...

I have no idea what is happening here, but I can assure you I don't like that woman...

The future of journalism...

I love the smell of not fucking with me in the morning.

My Last Word...


Spider Borland said...

Unrelated to today's post.
I just got back from a work trip in New York, and while there some thoughts related to you crossed my mind. (There's no way to word "I was thinking about you" in a way that doesn't come across weird)

-I'll post it if you're interested, but someone had built a small model of a church using various bullets. Some whole, some crushed, etc. But the striking part that made me think of you were the walls. They actually looked like rolled up dollar bills. Made me think that you could make buildings using your rolled up bills in a log cabin style.

-Also, there were a lot (A LOT) of discussions about Outsider Art or "Art Brut." I know your opinions on art needing to come from a trained hand, but there is a huge culture of this stuff. I won't go into details, ultimately because I'm no expert.

Oh, this work trip was helping to set up a, uh, pop-up art show. METRO Curates, to be specific. http://www.metroshownyc.com/

Ralph Henry said...

Concerning this: "I know your opinions on art needing to come from a trained hand, but there is a huge culture of this stuff."
One can be self-trained. All I ask is that the poet ought to do his readers a favor by learning how to spell. Or the singer should know about singing on key. Etc, etc.
Painters (any kind of painter) should at least understand the fundamentals of design...not to lock himself into a style, but to make his style better.
Thanks for the info.

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