About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, February 2, 2015

MONDAY #2248


The way it was meant to be...



I'd like to thank measles for this short wait at Disneyland.



But the bad news is, I had 4-7 on a $10 a square board with under a minute left at half time and...LOST!!!
But I won all my other bets including the over/under of 481/2. All in all it was a great game...thank god. That luckiest catch I have ever seen seemed to be my death knell(?)...whatever. I WON!

Men who marched in sync perceived an apparent criminal as less physically imposing than men who did not march in sync.

 Question: When one of you male gamers meets a girl in a bar, say, do you brag about your high scores on various games? If not, why not?

A person who might...MIGHT...be lazier than me...

Could someone explain this to me?


 Bravo! I wish more doctors would do this.

 I want to meet this guy...
 Here's a close-up of the protest sign...
"He boiled for your sins."

 My take away from that? Jewish women don't age as well as arab women.

This is an interesting question...
 If you think young people today are lazy, you need to meet some of my young friends. Young people are desperately looking for jobs at my friends' restaurants. 

It's hard to explain how I became a fan of Walking Dead, but I surely am and waiting anxiously for next season...

You don’t have to be serious to be sincere.

 Half-naked woman having been talked into something she thinks is stupid...

To be inspired is great, but to inspire is an honor.

 This next one begs for explanation...
 And my favorite...
That is the kind of design concepts that are very, very difficult to learn on one's own.

Will post anything with my name in it...

Women love it when you emit three high pitched squawks, inflate your expandable throat pouch, and then dart back and forth between trees.

As a painter, I know that if I make a mistake I can just let it dry and paint over it. Not so for sculptors.

 Ladies and Gentlemen, I present my wife...

 Would one of you brighter viewers research this and let me know what the hell is going on...

This is oddly satisfying to watch repeatedly...
And then there was the one asshole sitting in the wrong section next to the cameraman.

James Webb Space telescope primary mirror compared with Hubble's primary mirror.

Think for a moment what that bad boy will reveal to us.

After experimenting with various ignition sources, there is doubt over massive wildfires after astroid.  The theory was that a huge astroid would cause, more or less, a worldwide forest fire. Now they don't think so.
But that is not my biggest concern with the theory. If during a relatively short amount of time all the dinosaurs died off, then why isn’t that layer full of dinos? I mean, they found the boundry. If there were millions of dead things lying around, why isn't that layer full of dino fossils? And it is not.

 The US Navy railgun at the Naval Future Force Science and Technology Expo in Washington D.C. on February 4. The formidable electromagnetic cannon launches solid projectiles over 100 nautical miles at more than six times the speed of sound.

 This is the very fast boat on which the railgun will be mounted...
Your tax dollars at work.

 One Of My Very Own...

We all would like for our obituary to hint of a sequel.

A device that mows all of a ditch in one pass...

Body language...

Interesting image...
I've never noticed that bald spot on the bear's forehead before. Is that just an anomaly?

Well, today is the big day...
Smoking is a no-win argument.
It has been around for so very long...
But I decided to quit the day after the Super Bowl.
As you may recall, I have a grandson due and that child's loving parents don't want anyone around the baby who even smells of cigarettes. The time has come for me to say goodbye to a dear friend, and that day is today and I have bid them a not so fond farewell.

I'm a big fan of group photos that show that one person who is off message, as it were...

If I heard Matthew McConaughey only drank water out of a garden hose attached to the side of his house, I'd totally believe it.

My wife just changed her Facebook relationship status from "married" to "Costco Member."

It seems nobody ever wants to just sit and think anymore. Music is cool and all, but there is something to be said about just sitting with nothing to do but think.

 China, artist Seth Globepainter makes a powerful social statement...

My Final Word...

I think sitting on an airplane is the most exhausting type of sitting.

Still got a little time? This is an article about my dear friend and it's a good read.

Do you think that we have more people in US jails because we have more criminals? Well, you are wrong. We are over-criminalized. We throw people in jail for doing things that aren't even crimes elsewhere. And three strikes and you're out? The worst ever idea in American law.


Senph42 said...

I thought you will like this Doc.! :)

Spider Borland said...

Question: When one of you male gamers meets a girl in a bar, say, do you brag about your high scores on various games? If not, why not?

I once made out with a chick in the ladies room, and then took her home and fucked her because I told her how high my attack power was on my Dwarf Rogue.

To be fair, she started the conversation by proclaiming that her panties required Level 300 Lockpicking... to which I said I was a Grand Master Lockpicker.

Ninja Grrrl said...

SO proud of you. I wish you success in your decision to quit smoking! I'll be frank, I've been addicted to many things including crack and heroin. Cigarettes were harder to kick than those. I finally managed to put down the smokes a few months ago. I'll be thinking of you. You will ROCK this grandpa thing.

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