About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, March 6, 2015

FRIDAY #2279

One Of My Very Own...

Very short, very interesting...

Men, never stop showing affection, especially when there is no intentions of a pay off...
 Do it because you know she likes it and you like her.

Give this a go...

Problem solving at its finest...
Although, that does look very much like a drowning hazard.

Don't ask...just don't ask...

I just turned wine into vomit. Your move Jesus.

300-year-old Chinese abacus ring was used during the Qing Dynasty.

With the dire straits that bees are in, we might all want to lend them a hand from time to time. 

Yes, he is skiing behind a jet taking off...

Kanye West? Never heard of her.

I'm going to break my ironclad, 100% prohibition against post anything cat, of offer you one smart son of a bitch...
 The large pail of water was, of course, put there to forestall such activity.


 I looked that up and apparently it's true.

Older than fucking trees...I mean...damn.

It makes me real uncomfortable that 12am comes before 11am.

 Leonardo Dicaprio was named Leonardo because his pregnant mother was looking at a Leonardo da Vinci's painting when she was forcibly taken from behind by one of the larger members of the museum's cleaning staff.

A faucet who delivers water in patterns that are changeable...
Here are some options...

(I made up that earlier thing about Leonardo Dicaprio.)

Name baby Gotham. Wake husband up in the middle of the night and say, “Gotham needs you.”

 Who put that there?

There is a huge difference between fuckable and wifeable.

 Now go back and look at his reaction. That is exactly what a younger brother looks like when his older brother enters the fray.

 Up north (or down south)...
I actually lived through that for a few weeks. Only dark one hour a day...at 3am. 

Here's one of the solutions...
Of which there are many. 

Kurdish female fighter Ceylan Ozalp, age 19.
Some time later, she shot that very bullet through her brain when her position was overrun. 

Le Metro…

Decolonize everything.


We spend our whole lives hiding our bodies behind clothing, and most of us spend many, many hours trying to convince someone to stop doing that…around you anyway.

I have found clouds rather difficult to paint...

Enjoy your hair while you still have it.

My wife and I have spent time on an island like this...

Fuck the pope. I’m going to paint his ceiling with a bunch of guys with their dicks out and shit. – Michelangelo

Now go back and look at the one with the guy walking down the sidewalk...what is that image on the brick wall that looks like him. Anyone?

Please don't forget, the first time you have a moving image like this on your wall, I was the guy who wanted it first...

When I used to go to museums, I took pleasure sometimes watching the people...
I could tell who knew what the fuck they were looking at by how close they got to the paint and how long they looked at it. 

A guy I know said to another guy that I "had an art blog."
Do you guys think I have an art blog? If you do, go back up and watch the little dog bust he nose of the post again.

Just obeying orders...
 Note "water".

My Final Word...

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