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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 10, 2015

FRIDAY #2311

One Of My Very Own...

Let the man sing to you while you scroll.

Not worried about police misconduct because you are white and/or don't commit crimes? Fuck you. The last I looked this is what is left of America where the cops work for us.

The National 9/11 Memorial Museum
 Part of the airplane. ^
 The last standing beam. ^

This is why you practice...

A Soviet graveyard for dead pilots. Said to be tail section of plane they died in, but I doubt that...

Energy grids running on renewable energy sources need storage. The most common way to store energy on a grid scale is through “pumped” hydropower, where the excess energy available during off-peak is used to pump and store water at a higher elevation, which can then be released to produce electricity as gravity pulls it down to a lower elevation again.
Now they are using this train to do the same thing... 
Gravity pulls it down and makes electricity, then at night it drives back to the top. 

Obviously Stone Age man didn’t have daylight saving, so twice a year they have to move one of the stones to make it accurate...

Laughter is the greatest aphrodisiac…next to a face you can tolerate looking at and genitalia that doesn’t stink…and money, of course.

 Or put another way...
But it worked. No more world wars.

A friend of mine's lesbian girlfriend is a combat photographer and here's a couple of her images...
She sure understands the power of light, don't she.

Meal served skewered on a sword. Damn!

A guy came up to me in a parking lot and wanted money for gas to get his sick child to the hospital for overdue kemo, I quickly faked an elaborate sign language dialogue while I locked myself in my truck.

'Smart' Headlights Use Eye-Tracking To Beam Light Where Drivers Look

Selfies: Who would’ve thought that putrid narcissism is a road paved with low self-esteem and self-loathing.

Mars Rover Sees Strange 'Veins' On Mars' Surface. They Look Like Ice Cream Sandwiches.
They found the strangeness in a dry lake bed. 

Artist Janusz Grünspek, based in Kleve, Germany, brings 3D line drawings of everyday objects into the physical world using dowels and glue...

What good are seat belts on an airplane going 500 mph? 
If it were going down you could tie it around your arm and inject heroine.

This librarian gets it…

I’ve noticed that almost every person who describes themselves as a “survivor” has really only managed to get through some very bad decisions that they themselves have made.

Sky Bike at Mashpi Lodge in Quito, Ecuador
 Muscle powered and very long...
 ...and high...
 Making it an attractive tourist attraction is a great way to save the rain forest.

 The caption read: "Chariot Tracks on The Streets of Pompeii"...

So, what do the horses do when it comes to the pedestrian crossing stone in the middle of the road? I'm thinking the tracks are made by push carts...not horse drawn chariots.
What say you?

Bruce Riley blends oils, resin...
I usually shun "gimmick" art. You know, firing paint from cannons or jet engines or some such shit, but this guy's game is good. These images are just stunning...

Holy shit. I could get high just staring at them!

Can you image how much practice it took to learn what did what with what? Also, don't think just any old body could do that. He still knows a whole bunch about design.

I post a lot of art. But I feel compelled to tell you that Bruce Riley is good...very, very good. I would love spending an afternoon just watching the man work.

Of course it's unusual...
 But most of the lower building must be filled with the pylons that support all the weight of the upper levels.

"I want in the game, Coach!"

From the article:

"The Ubari Sand Sea is a vast area of towering sand dunes in the Fezzan region of south-western Libya. But 200,000 years ago, this was a wet and fertile region with plenty of rainfall and flowing rivers. These rivers fed a vast lake, the size of the Czech Republic."
 The Czech Republic? Who the fuck knows how big the Czech Republic is? Think about that. Of all the places on Earth of similar size, the guy chose to use the Czech Republic! I got nothing against the Czech Republic, but 95% of the people on earth couldn't find it on a map much less know how fucking big it is. But maybe that's just me.


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