About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 15, 2015

FRIDAY #2344

One Of My Very Own...
 Let's try that again...

North Korean top defense official got executed with an anti aircraft gun because he fell asleep during a meeting.

Fox News station is "sexually sick" for blurring nipples of Picasso.


Let's start off with one of the funniest things I've seen in a long, long time...

It's too bad there was not sound. But you and I can probably guess what he's screaming. AND THE KICKING!!!
(god I hope that loads in its entirety)

My wife and I are planning to visit this place during our roadtrip...

Classy restaurants often have dress codes and the Pinnacle Peak Patio Steakhouse & Brewery in Scottsdale, Arizona is no exception. You can't get in with a necktie. If you wear a necktie inside, a restaurant employee will cut it off. And the ceiling is decorated with trophies captured from offending patrons.

A window of Picasso’s studio, rue des Grands Augustins, 1940s...

Something you don't see often...

I will keep repeating this until somebody listens...
Why aren't we using the shipping crates more? 

Two years ago, Lindsey Green posted a theory that Don Draper is D.B. Cooper. Since then, nothing has happened on the show that blows her theory. If this isn't the true ending, it should be.

ISS Selfie

A comment left for me from a loyal viewer:

"And all the foolishness that you have described women acquiescing to, is also rewarded, and not just financially. In this world, being sexually attractive is the power to be visible, even if for the wrong reasons. It buys you more chances than you are likely to have otherwise."
There are those who would disagree that buying visibility is necessary.
Janis would disagree...
Georgia would disagree...
All I ask is that women realize that they have options. There are many, many people who will overlook their refusal to follow rules made by people nobody knows.

A newly discovered species of fungus with an uncanny resemblance to little humans has been found...

Stars are cool...

Astronomers have discovered a globular cluster -- a big ball of up to one million stars -- on the verge of being born.

I heard a man at a bar say this yesterday: "Most Southern men who support gay marriage do so because of lesbians."

Nice treatment of the lips with the mortar.

I’m not sure if I listen to classical music because I like it or because it makes me feel superior to everyone else.

 I have no idea what that means, I just thought it was a cool ass thing to say.

This is an art installation...
I would so love to see that in person. Anybody know where it is?


 There is a huge room 700 feet below Grand Central in NY...
 It holds all the AC to DC converters...
Converters needed to power this many trains during WWII...

Remember Hemingway's famous six word short story...
 Well, here's some more...

Remember when your mom warned you against sitting too close to the TV?

Could this be true?

We all need to look at this from time to time...
Just as a reminder that if you fall in the trapdoor, you will be locked in there to think about your folly.

 An unusual tool set...
 It even comes with it's own case...
 And since they are all chocolate, you can eat them.

My wife and I are both feminists, but since I’m a man I’m better at it.


Out of the thirty thousand types of edible plants thought to exist on Earth, just eleven — corn, rice, wheat, potatoes, cassava, sorghum, millet, beans, barley, rye, and oats — account for 93 percent of all that humans eat, and every one of them was first cultivated by our Neolithic ancestors.

Speaking of food...

This strange condition is known as hollow heart and can happen due to poor pollination causing the watermelon to develop cracks internally.


Jokes from other places:

The Joke: Q: How do you entertain a bored pharaoh?
A: You sail a boatload of young women dressed only in fishing nets down the Nile and urge the pharaoh to go catch a fish.
Why It's Funny: Well, it’s not, really, but some sources identify it as one of the oldest jokes in the world.

The Joke: A Gabrovonian has to mend his door, so he sends his son to the neighbor’s to borrow a hatchet. The child returns empty-handed; the neighbor had lied about not having a hatchet.
“Don’t bother about that miser,” says the father indignantly. “Bring our hatchet up from the cellar.”
Why It's Funny: The city of Gabrovo is a self-declared international comedy capital where the residents are notoriously thrifty.

Deep Thinks...


Anonymous said...

Mr "Folio", i mean Ralph - spotted your photo of Pinnacle Peak Patio and your planned visit during your road trip; you probably know this but just in case...

"One of Scottsdale's oldest restaurants will follow the bootsteps of Greasewood Flat and Rawhide Western Town into the unmarked grave of the city's nearly forgotten Western icons.

Pinnacle Peak Patio will close on June 28 after nearly 60 years in business, the latest Western vestige to be replaced by suburban sprawl in what was once a remote area of north Scottsdale.

"Generations of visitors, hankering for an Old West experience, have set foot in the dusty wooden establishment, known for its 2-pound porterhouse steaks and hodgepodge of neckties dangling from the ceiling."

Jim C

Ralph Henry said...

So sorry I will miss the place. It is the exact type spots my wife and I enjoy on our treks.
Thanks for telling me.

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