About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, May 18, 2015

MONDAY #2347

One Of My Very Own...

My first extended roadtrip with my wife, my art installation of choice was wonderful heavy duty brass numbered tags. The next featured eating utensils. This time I'm going with keys. I put my wife in charge of collection. 

Some of you may remember this restaurant that my wife and I had intended to visit on our roadtrip...
Well, here's a comment I got.

Mr "Folio", i mean Ralph - spotted your photo of Pinnacle Peak Patio and your planned visit during your road trip; you probably know this but just in case...
"One of Scottsdale's oldest restaurants will follow the bootsteps of Greasewood Flat and Rawhide Western Town into the unmarked grave of the city's nearly forgotten Western icons.
Pinnacle Peak Patio will close on June 28 after nearly 60 years in business, the latest Western vestige to be replaced by suburban sprawl in what was once a remote area of north Scottsdale.
"Generations of visitors, hankering for an Old West experience, have set foot in the dusty wooden establishment, known for its 2-pound porterhouse steaks and hodgepodge of neckties dangling from the ceiling."
Jim C 
It amazes me that somebody not only read my intentions in my blog, but then took the time to share the facts.
Jim C...thanks, man.

Mr. Riley B. King, ya'll...

During one show in Twist, Arkansas, a brawl broke out between two men and caused a fire. He evacuated along with the rest of the crowd but went back to retrieve his guitar. He said he later found out that the two men, who died in the blaze, were fighting over a woman named Lucille. He named the guitar Lucille as a reminder not to fight over women or run into any more burning buildings

Speaking of dying senselessly...
Jonestown mass suicide - Nov. 18, 1978. 909 men, women, and children died.
 I wonder how many animals died when they happened upon the tubs of poison.
Oh, and that's what blind faith does to otherwise normal people.

Spanish street artist Borondo.

 And another...

Remember me telling you how there was some criticism of the photographer staging the bodies and such for a more dramatic effect?
What do you think are the chances all the bodies would end up face up and their guns all configured the same?

Speaking of dying...

Alberta King, Dr. King’s mother, was shot and killed in 1974 while playing the organ at her church. The shooting was allegedly done by a 23-year old black man by the name of Marcus Wayne Chenault. He didn’t give any reason for the shooting, except to say that “all Christians are my enemies.”

German vehicles attempting to escape from the closing noose of the Allied armies. They are attempting to cross one of the remaining bridges outside of Aachen in 1945. This photo was taken by an American recon plane.
I don't know what the red arrows are about.

How embarrassing...

Jefferson Davis, President of Confederate States of America, disguised as a woman and captured by Union soldiers, 1865

Karma is a bitch sometimes...

Anybody who has said that there is no such thing as a bad egg, has never worked as a school teacher.

No comment...

Can you guess what's going on here?
He's trying to wash cotton candy. 
Cotton Candy was first introduced to a wide audience at the 1904 World's Fair as "Fairy Floss" with great success, selling 68,655 boxes at 25¢ per box (equivalent to $6 per box today).

 Germany's war machine became increasingly dependent on amphetamines, morphine and booze.

Excellent article on the drugs in Nazi army:
If I were to give drugs to my army, I would go with PCP. I saw the tapes of Rodney King.

Playing football in bird's eyes view with VR glasses


Still think this is one of the most powerful public art statements of all time...

Girls, if a guy is treating you like he doesn’t give a shit, trust me, he genuinely doesn’t give a shit.

 On 2 July 1942, most of the children of Lidice, a small village in what was then Czechoslovakia, were handed over to the Łódź Gestapo office. Those 82 children were then transported to the extermination camp at Chełmno 70 kilometers away. There they were gassed to death. This remarkable sculpture by Marie Uchytilová commemorates them.

Artist unknown...

Shit like this only happens when you're hungover...

I'm going to try that soon. Will advise...

My ex-wife was looking through old slides and found these. She sent them to me and I thought I would share with you.
This is my '48 GMC.
This is my '49 Chevy.
The widow of the farmer who bought this truck new said that it had never been out of Lexington Country. My brother-in-law found it in a barn in the 70s and bought it for $500. He put 4 tires, a new battery and a muffler on it and it drove for the next 5 years without maintenance.
So, how did I turn two slides into the images you just saw? I just held them up in front of my phone's camera's eye and pointed it toward some sunshine. Worked pretty well.

Texas State Rep. David Simpson has introduced a bill to remove all references to marijuana from the state’s legal code. And he has the best argument I've heard: "Rattlesnakes are dangerous, but we eat ’em for meat. And some people, you know, they eat other rodents. But we don’t ban them."

And here's what such a man looks like...

Look, it's a girl!

Well, would you consider me racist to laugh at this?

What are the chances that the glass slipper only fit one foot in the entire kingdom?

What might Venus de Milo's arms have looked like...

As it turned out, 93.7% of my personality is making up statistics.

As it turned out, 90% of my euphoria was beer induced.

Oh no, I'm so intimidated I will lay down...
Fuck that shit. I'm a tiger.

Too much time, too little words...

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