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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 14, 2015

MONDAY #2461

One Of My Very Own…


A 13-year-old boy was charged (as a juvenile) with second-degree assault for open-mouth kissing a 14-year-old girl on a dare during school hours, on campus.

Is this positive or negative? 

I've altered my font size. I noticed there was some problems with cell phone viewing. We shall see.

As amazing as it is that the builders of Stonehenge dragged those stones in place, even more amazing is that some son of bitches dragged some of them AWAY!
Oh, I understand later civilizations toppling the stones of an offending ancient religion. We see examples of that today with ISIS. But those bastards spent the same energy to remove the stones as it took to get them there. I find that hard to fathom. But then we know that the British hauled statues, mummies, and anything else they could get on a ship out of Egypt. Americans dug up Indian’s burial mounts and took whatever was in there. Nazis plundered art from all over Europe. But none of that was done before the invention of the wheel and none of it weighed 40 fucking tons. Anybody out there want to help me understand this?


A craftsman fixes the statue of Hindu god Brahma after it was damaged during the deadly blast at the Erawan shrine in Bangkok, Thailand, August 26, 2015.
 Nice ring.


You know you are really stressed when you start getting on your own nerves.

And his nose...HAHAHAH!


I always mark zero on a scale of one to ten.



Torn between buying the new iPad Pro with keyboard and pencil or a regular laptop and a helicopter.



What if I told you that driving 10mph under the limit doesn’t make you a safe driver, it makes you a dickhead.


There are hundreds of found safes on line and none of them have panned out so far...until this one.
 Guy was putting in a new floor in a house he bought.
Found a floor safe with $51K in it.
And this. The seal is still unbroken. Tax stamp reads 1960, aged 6 years. My wiki research suggests this Bourbon is as about as rare as it comes. 

 Notice bicycle in red shield.
 Make of that as you will, but I got it from a respected site.
It might be bullshit, but remember, you read that bullshit first here, folks.

Young man was flying his camera-equipped drone around a wind turbine in Rhode Island and spotted a man sunbathing on top. 

The sunbather waved to the drone. If he was jacking off, then somebody ought to take away his man card.

My nephew found one of my old leather projects...
 I made that when I was about 13 years old.

What a wonderful idea.
 Buildings wrapped in tin foil to protect them from wildfires

Forest Service officials estimated that a roll of the multiple-ply foil costs $398.
What about that ticking bomb sitting twenty feet from your bedroom? The gas tank.

Dog muzzle
 What a wonderful idea.

That we have a camera that can just take a picture like this, blows my mind.


Remember that feeling when you were absolutely hammered and the bouncer let you in anyway?

 I would have thought there would be many more than that.

Dated, but kind of clever.
 Speaking of...


You know that feeling when your wife tells you that you have to quit spending so much money on hookers?

Poor Gary.

Question: I think most wives would be less pissed off if she caught you with a hooker than with, say, her next door neighbor. Do you agree?

 How, pray tell, did they get that photograph?

Israeli soldier "detains" a young boy...

Then the boy's mother and sisters voice their objections...
Can you spell "PR Disaster," boys and girls?


Babies learning sign language will babble with their hands in the exact same way talking babies babble with their voices.



Asthma: Because out of all the things you could be bad at, you suck at breathing.



Take your daughter to work day.

 Then there was this:

World record: Tesla P85D driven 452.8 mi on a single charge. But they didn't go from point A to point B. They found a perfect road and drove up and down it.

And while we are talking about the great man...

In 1922 Tesla’s favorite pigeon flew into his room – described as a beautiful, pure white bird with light grey tips on its wings – Tesla felt the bird was trying to communicate something to him, that it was dying. The grand claim is then made by Tesla that a light more intense and greater than any lamp in his laboratory flashed from this pigeon’s eyes before it died. Though we may never know if this pigeon actually performed this angelic feat before Tesla’s very eyes, Tesla all the same claimed that at this time he felt that a light went out in his life and his life’s work – that of one of the greatest inventors mankind has ever known – was done. Brought to an end by the death of a pigeon.

Well, of course they do.

This is, beyond question, the master. He makes up the clues I send you from time to time. 
I read a book about him and since he was a kid he wanted to work on crossword puzzles.
By the way, if you get a puzzle accepted to the New York Times, you get $600 for weekdays and $3000 for Sunday. In my opinion, that ain't enough. But it was explained that these people did it for fun anyway, so the money is just gravy.

Microscopic zoom-in on a bacterium on a diatom on an amphipod.

 Say that three times real fast.


Ella & Pitr unveils the world's largest outdoor mural for Nuart in Klepp, Norway.


I like to think of thoughts as living blossoms borne by the human tree.



My wife and my’s favorite road trip game is called “Heated Argument.”

 Stuff my wife tells me is true.


Spider Borland said...

I'd like to think the aluminum foil would help, but it takes 3 things to create fire: oxygen, heat, and fuel. If the fire got close enough to the wrapped house, it would still ignite. Just not sure how far away from a flame it would be protected. While it's true that direct contact with flame would keep the house from burning, but the house is still filled with oxygen and fuel. If the outside got hot enough, the inside would ignite.

Ralph Henry said...

Maybe, just maybe, it is some sort of thermal blanket. At the least it would keep flying embers from setting the roof on fire. But then the propane tank is a whole nother horse of some other color.

Spider Borland said...

Even then if a hot enough ember landed on the roof, it could catch the roof on fire. I'm not saying this wouldn't work, but it's a best case scenario.

Is there a safe way to bleed a gas tank like that in case of emergency?

Ralph Henry said...

Bleeding tank - I think it would depend how breezy it was. If there was still air it would just sink to the lowest level (I think). I think we can both agree that the blanket is better than nothing.

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