About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


One Of My Very Own…

Too many complaints on smaller font, so I'm returning to large. Sorry about that, mobile device users.
Interesting name — mobile device. How lazy; almost as lazy as the guy would named the fire place.


Artist Sarah Levy paints Donald Trump portrait with her menstrual fluid.

That's bloody awful.


Some of my college friends are wondering aloud what would have happened if they had invested that $100,000 in the lottery instead of college.


Women convicted of witchcraft
 It must really suck to be a real short witch.


Live faust, die junge — Nietzsche 



I wrote your own obituary……. Mistakes were made.


Petrified Forest NP, Arizona
That is an amazing place. But the National Park is finite and the petrified forest is vast. There is a whole industry sending guys out to collect chunks of it (picked up like litter) from the desert. I found it odd that the penalty for picking up even one stone in the park is severe, but a mile down the road you can plunder at will.

Speaking of wood...
That has got to be the most anal retentive lumberjack in the whole state. But seriously, that makes no sense. Where is the truck going that all those sized pieces are all used?


Wilderness Survival Skills
 That was the caption and only information I have. Anybody know what this guy could possibly be doing? I haven't a clue.


Humans of New York (Iran and Pakistan edition): “One story at a time” – Brandon

I found all that very interesting.


Beef and bananas....and ketchup.
 Another superweapon in the hyperpalatability wars.
Just kidding. That combination was never intended in one's mouth at the same time. I know. I took a course.


Aerodynamics of a cow.


My wife said, "Kiss me where it stinks," so I took her to Atlanta.

Care to guess what this is?
 A condom full of spaghetti, because why the hell not?

Gianlorenzo Bernini
I don't care how many times I've posted this, you need to see it often.


Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels…except donuts. Donuts tastes like skinny can go fuck itself.

And I think it happened much like that. I've seen grown men make a game out of almost anything. Once a group of us pulled off the road to pee and saw a Budweiser can in the fork of a tree thirty feet off the ground. We spent over an hour throwing rocks at it, with the understanding that the one to knock it down would win.


One day someone is going to say, “I have to go to the moon” in a bored, defeated tone, then roll their eyes and sigh.


Anonymous in Paris 1929
We could all learn something from that photo.


D-Day veterans sitting across from themselves in the same plane which dropped them into Normandy.
 I am surprised that many of them survived.


More Miniature dioramas.


Life must be easy when you are a jerk with no feelings.


When the crash sends you to another dimension


Do you know that if you looked at five photos of anuses, you couldn’t point out your own.

Just a guy trimming Christmas trees with swords.
With fucking SWORDS!!
Again I ask, are you as good at your job as he is his? 
I wonder how many trips to the hospital it took before he learned how to do that?

 I watched that for twenty minutes. How long is that clip?


If this is your backyard, then you are winning at life.


Stockholm, Sweden, come for the Nobel Prize, stay for the syndrome.



Someone is going to be that guy who dies an hour before we discover aliens for the first time.
(or aliens discover us)
God protects babies and drunks.


You are not lost if no one is looking for you.
What amazing camera work...
How the hell did they do that?


This is a pretty good and cheap display case for my sculptures.
The galley director for my upcoming show thinks so also.


When I had a tail light out or some such shit, I put a note in car with various to-do items, one of which is "Go get tail light fixed."



Another "dark" spot in the night sky.
And yet some people think that not only are we alone, but that we are special.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only just found Folio olio but addicted already.
The survival skills guy is dropping hot stones into water to sterilise it FYI

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