About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


   One Of My Very Own…


How do even feed that many people, and imagine the bathrooms.


And then there’s this guy…internationally famous by now.


You knew it would happen: Trump barely beating Rubio for second place in the Iowa Republican Caucus means that something must be up. The Washington Post reports on the conspiracy theories emerging from Cruz's unexpected victory. Top of the list: Microsoft, a major Rubio donor.


It’s flip flop, shorts and T-shirt weather down here in South Carolina.


I got to wondering why so many flags are red, white and blue…or some combination.
I deduced (with no research) that it was because those were the most common dyes available…along with yellow and black.


Crossword clues that stump almost everyone.
But they really aren’t that hard…it is the ambiguity.

The answers are: Ether, Mount Etna (the volcano), and Tugboat.


I talked to a computer guy tonight and he told me the tiny font problem in the blog (even though I set it for large over and over again) can be laid right at the feet of my old computer. I guess it is time to bite the bullet and get a new one. I've tried Chrome and Foxfire...but not.


There is no word for keeping your liver inside your body.


What an unusual door...
 I notice stuff like that all the time.

Can you spot the guy who set the timer on the camera?


This is a Southern girl's rape whistle...
But at that range, my 12 gauge 0000 buckshot would have left nothing but little pieces of that milk jug.


A riddle just for your pondering...
Four red ants and two black ants are walking along the edge of a one meter stick. The four red ants, called Alf, Bert, Derek and Ethel, are all walking from left to right as we look at the diagram, and the two black ants, Charlie and Freda, are walking from right to left.
The ants always walk at exactly one centimeter per second. Whenever they bump into another ant, they immediately turn around and walk in the other direction. And whenever they get to the end of a stick, they fall off.
Alf starts at the left hand end of the stick, while Bert starts 20.2 cm from the left, Derek is at 38.7cm, Ethel is at 64.9cm and Freda is at 81.8cm.
Charlie’s position is not known - all we know is that he starts somewhere between Bert and Derek.
So here is the puzzle: Which ant is the last to fall off the stick? And how long will it be before he or she does fall off?
 It was stated that no math skills are necessary. And that you should just be able to "see" it. Answer below.



Relatively cheap Rocket Stove...
It burns twigs and pine cones found on ground in your yard. Reaches 1200 degrees in minutes.

Keep a set of these in your car and never get stuck again.

Somebody let me know how that works. Sounds like a great idea.


Clip from "50 Shades of Mr. Bean" on Youtube. You may want to look it up.
Girl spills milk all over herself while streaming.
 Yes, I'm thinking exactly what you're thinking.

This is how I picture men using the bathroom at my bar.

This is a business car.
Reminds me of the milk girl above.

Two ants colliding and turning around is equivalent to those two ants walking past each other.
Charlie falls off last after exactly 100 seconds.



Probably not a good sign when my favorite thing to do in the whole world is be unconscious for 8 hours



MANAGER: You're hired! The pay is $200 per hour, plus benefits. The first thing you need to do is make a phone call to--

ME: I quit.


"Let the record reflect that the defendant is just asking for it."


How long did it take you to forgive your parents for not being rich?



Here we see rare footage of director James Cameron giving actress Sigourney Weaver some acting tips.


I have to admit that I have never seen a new liquor take off like Fireball. Bars even have a special Fireball dispenser that chills it. Everyone tells me it tastes just like the old Red Hot candy.


A Palindrome





Have you ever been this poor?


I would have loved to see this live.


Proponents of the secretly negotiated Trans Pacific Partnership -- which lets companies force governments to get rid of their labor, environmental and safety rules in confidential tribunals -- say it's all worth it because it will deliver growth and jobs to the stagnant economies of the rich world.

We should all probably learn more about that.


The caption read: De gustibus non est disputandum

I think that means "No guts, no glory." 


But aren't they are so very individualistic.


Be nice to other people; they have you outnumbered seven billion to one.



There are dozens of these from the same photographer.

I've never actually seen two gorillas fighting.

And then there is this clever bastard.
First he spits out a fish...
 Then he waits for a bird to come for the fish.

So apparently birds are easy....and tasty...


Failure is the vehicle that drives everyone to success, and to the liquor store.




Ninja Grrrl said...

A shot of Fireball with a few dashes of tabasco sauce is pure heaven.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of the mat under the tire and the "never get stuck again" quip. That sounds like someone who has never lived in a northern climate.

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