About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 4, 2016

MONDAY #2663

One Of My Very Own…


Teachers who use humor in their classrooms tend to get better student evaluations by their students, regardless of learning outcomes.


There's an irony in ignoring your college professor's lecture to play a game where you serve fast-food to people for fun.

What about a reality show where people who complain about homeless people having cellphones have to get a job and an apartment without one.

Pasta packaging...

More bathroom signs...

 And my favorite...

I want a kiss cam at my wake.


Pluto’s Ice


Something to think about...


Do mice turn into rats or do i just have both in my house?

A must see movie... 

The laziest man on earth...
Those are Christmas lights. 

Who hasn't done something similar?


Among 12-17 year olds, smoking rates dropped less in American states that had recently banned e-cigarette sales to minors.

I understand why some people risk their lives...

Studying sharks is a worthwhile endeavor.
But what about this guy?

For excitement? Really?

And then there's this guy...


I don’t always have to retype my password, but when I do I stab each letter into the keyboard like it killed my family.

Just changing the showroom demo...

Retailers that gave shoppers more time to return their purchases had a reduction in the total number of returns.



Iris inertia cause the iris to wiggle after the eyeball has stopped moving.

 I also read that when you shift your few from one side to the other, the eye still takes in everything in between, but the brain simply ignores them so we don't get bombarded with too much information.


Squatting down makes it quicker and easier to poop as compared to sitting down, probably because sitting upright leaves a kink in the gut that straightens out when we squat.

They had one job…

 Somebody grabbed the wrong set of plans.


This picture was taken on 2 September 1945 at the formal surrender of the Empire of Japan.  The battleship in the foreground is the USS Missouri on which the surrender took place.  At the exact moment of the signing of the instrument of surrender, 2,400 US aircraft, including 1,200 carrier-based Navy and Marine Corps aircraft overflew Tokyo bay as a sign that Japan was vanquished and powerless against the Allied war machine.  This is generally considered by historians to be the largest formation of aircraft ever assembled.

Was cleaning out my dresser and found my Thanksgiving stuffing ingredients:
-   - Viagra

-   - My wife




When negotiating prices, precise offers resulted in more favorable counteroffers compared to round offers (e.g., $21 compared to $20), as it gives the appearance of being more knowledgeable about the product.



Physics of purity...

I might be a terrible person, but at least I say please and thank you and use my fucking blinkers.


I would have liked to have seen that.



You probably know about this already.
I just want you to know how eager I am to see the contents.


This took me a minute...

It’s call Tequila Suicide

So, if Q-Tips are intended to stick in your ear, what the hell are they for?


Clever waitstaff...

Every man needs a workshop and know how to use basic tools.

 This workshop is a work of art.

Every restaurant is a drive-through with sufficient acceleration.


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