About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


A Netflix movie suggestion: "Look Who's Back" - Hitler awakens above his bunker in 2014 and has to deal with modern circumstances. A hoot...sort of. He ends up sounding like Donald Trump.

Meanwhile in Houston..

Cruz sister?

Smart lady...

You're not really a parent until you swat blindly into the backseat, hoping to connect with a kid.

Found this without explanation.

It has art written all over it, to me.

Daytime is for sleeping off the nighttime.

Italian street artist Biancoshock has just finished installing a couple of secret, miniature rooms, hidden under manhole covers, inside an abandoned sewer somewhere in the streets of Milan. This satiric “intervention” —a word that the artist uses for all his artworks— was inspired by the hundreds of people who are forced to live in extreme conditions, such as inside sewers.

Caption read:
Union officer with "contraband", 1862

Not sure I understand that.

Read a quip in the newspaper from South Carolina from 1956, which described a wanted man as a nigger. I honestly had no idea that was allowed even back then.

The art of seeing has to be learned. And it is I destined to teach my grandson.

A sign of the times…

Have you ever worried how real astronauts or cosmonauts can defend themselves or render harmless hostile life forms? What if an alien breaks into the International Space Station? Or a crew member loses his or her mind and goes berserk?

Most were knives and other tools that could be used as weapons. Then there were these:


I once wrote that the greatest gift you can give a child is love of reading. This one’s reading game is strong.

Why in the name of sanity would he want to teach a robot how to defend himself?!

All water is old water.
What a beautiful woman…

Do you think this was done with the aid of a computer?

The amount of tinder matches I've gotten has skyrocketed since I changed my interests from "Murdering" to "Not Murdering."

What a great time to be alive…

Promoting math literacy…

How wonderful…

I may make a lot of typos when I text, but in my defense, I do have to look at the road sometimes.

Shit you don’t see every day…

I want my obituary to say shit like this: He died doing what he loved: trying to find out if gang members are ticklish.


That's what others called her in the original book.

Horsehair Jewelry

A few things science has been up to…

I never really thought about it, but I always thought they were vegetarians.

The problem with Chinese food is an hour later you feel like hacking the Pentagon again.

Fun with language…

Anybody want to try and explain this to me?

You need to take especially great care not to let propaganda pervert their intelligence.



Fardygardy said...

Regarding water withdrawal, I would bet my money that the change in water consumption is directly related to the formation of the US EPA in 1970, effecting regulations on waste water treatment and related matters. This caused huge factories to install waste treatment facilities by 1975, and for the first time created a "cost" for water.

Anonymous said...

I took your Netflix suggestion, and you're right - a wonderfully inventive movie.

Always enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work!

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