One Of My Very Own…


Any leftover cabbage can and will be shredded and mixed with mayo.
- Cole's Law
Guy said he just came upon this deep in the forest.

I think that is a living thing....a magnificent living thing.

The rape of Nanking by the Japanese in 1937 was worse than awful.

The ones that survived the first assault and purging were starved to death. But hell, they build pretty nice cars.
This is their pregnancy announcement.

Wore a clean shirt to Walmart and 4 people asked me to defend them in Drug Possession Cases.
More thrust vectoring...

Now he's just showing off.
Good guy may have just averted a tragedy...

We could completely eliminate car thefts by making every car alarm sound like Hillary Clinton's laugh.

Not usually a big fan of God, but I have admit telling Cruz to run for president then making him lose to a reality TV clown was an A+ prank.
I tried very hard to be a good daddy...

But this guy is giving all he has.

Got a reunion coming up, so I've been practicing my "My straight flush beat your four of a kind" face.

Glad to see Willie Nelson's morning delivery is on schedule.

Ah, spring is here. Time to open the windows and remind my neighbors that I know every word to the "I Heard It Through The Grapevine."
I post things like this from time to time for one reason.

So you won't feel so stupid about the mistakes you make.
I was unaware that we have been doing this for so long...

In the same photo collection I came upon this...

Oh, heck, here's another...

Like my grandmother always said, "Make sure you put everything in the medicine cabinet back where you found it or you won't be invited back."
People using language...

The adult life I imagined as a child involved less taking out trash and more orgies.
The word on the street...

Yes, but we call it "borrowing."

So simple, yet rather powerful.
Then there's this kid...

At first I thought he was stymied.

But no, he is not stymied.

What is the opposite of stymied?

What did your little snowflake do today?
I came up with a new word yesterday: Plagiarism.

One of the funniest things I have read on the internet...

Tuna swallows a seagull and spits it out.

It seems like every time I consider arson, the price of gas goes up.

A mechanical calculator dividing by zero.

Lava is coming. You are the power company. Quick! What do you do?

Well you build a cage around your power poles and fill it with soil.

And as soon as you can get near you hose it down.

They added shots of lava eating (literally) through a chainlink fence just because it's pretty cool.

I once asked my wife to talk dirty to me and she said, "I use a rat as a loofa," and that's how my premature ejaculation issues began.
Laser cutter just showing off...

A dear friend built movie sets. On one he had to make some basement vents that would be featured in close-ups.

Since it was a Victorian house, they wanted something like this.

He tried using a jig saw on 1/4" plywood, but it was much to fragile for that. So he went to a shop who had a laser cutter and had them made for only $38 a pop. I found that amazing. The wood, blades, time, etc would have cost more than a metal one that would last for generations.
First, this is the classic breathalyzer guy...

When this first started I would have never anticipated that it would last this long.

Even white kids do it now.
I never keep toilet paper in my guest bathroom to deter revisits.

Words. Just words.
Let's put it to the test, shall we?


Any leftover cabbage can and will be shredded and mixed with mayo.
- Cole's Law
Guy said he just came upon this deep in the forest.

I think that is a living thing....a magnificent living thing.

The rape of Nanking by the Japanese in 1937 was worse than awful.

The ones that survived the first assault and purging were starved to death. But hell, they build pretty nice cars.
This is their pregnancy announcement.

Wore a clean shirt to Walmart and 4 people asked me to defend them in Drug Possession Cases.
More thrust vectoring...

Now he's just showing off.
Good guy may have just averted a tragedy...

We could completely eliminate car thefts by making every car alarm sound like Hillary Clinton's laugh.

Not usually a big fan of God, but I have admit telling Cruz to run for president then making him lose to a reality TV clown was an A+ prank.
I tried very hard to be a good daddy...

But this guy is giving all he has.

Got a reunion coming up, so I've been practicing my "My straight flush beat your four of a kind" face.

Glad to see Willie Nelson's morning delivery is on schedule.

Ah, spring is here. Time to open the windows and remind my neighbors that I know every word to the "I Heard It Through The Grapevine."
I post things like this from time to time for one reason.

So you won't feel so stupid about the mistakes you make.
I was unaware that we have been doing this for so long...

In the same photo collection I came upon this...

Oh, heck, here's another...

Like my grandmother always said, "Make sure you put everything in the medicine cabinet back where you found it or you won't be invited back."
People using language...

The adult life I imagined as a child involved less taking out trash and more orgies.
The word on the street...

Yes, but we call it "borrowing."

So simple, yet rather powerful.
Then there's this kid...

At first I thought he was stymied.

But no, he is not stymied.

What is the opposite of stymied?

What did your little snowflake do today?
I came up with a new word yesterday: Plagiarism.

One of the funniest things I have read on the internet...

Tuna swallows a seagull and spits it out.

It seems like every time I consider arson, the price of gas goes up.

A mechanical calculator dividing by zero.

Lava is coming. You are the power company. Quick! What do you do?

Well you build a cage around your power poles and fill it with soil.

And as soon as you can get near you hose it down.

They added shots of lava eating (literally) through a chainlink fence just because it's pretty cool.

I once asked my wife to talk dirty to me and she said, "I use a rat as a loofa," and that's how my premature ejaculation issues began.
Laser cutter just showing off...

A dear friend built movie sets. On one he had to make some basement vents that would be featured in close-ups.

Since it was a Victorian house, they wanted something like this.

He tried using a jig saw on 1/4" plywood, but it was much to fragile for that. So he went to a shop who had a laser cutter and had them made for only $38 a pop. I found that amazing. The wood, blades, time, etc would have cost more than a metal one that would last for generations.
First, this is the classic breathalyzer guy...

When this first started I would have never anticipated that it would last this long.

Even white kids do it now.
I never keep toilet paper in my guest bathroom to deter revisits.

Words. Just words.
Let's put it to the test, shall we?

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