About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, June 24, 2016

FRIDAY #2741

One Of My Very Own…


Ned Stark returned to help out?

And if you are into GoT, click on this...it's called Valyrian Steel.

Ladies and gentlemen, the governance of the most powerful country that has ever known...

How I imagine the olympic swimmers will be in Rio.

Congrats Ireland, you drunken cunts!!


Me on a mini-roadtrip.

That is the exact same look Monet had yesterday.

My wonderful nephew and his equally wonderful wife are bringing homemade hot tamales to the family reunion. They are, by far, the second most favorite thing to put in my mouth.

My label maker is my new best friend.

We drove an hour out of the way to visit a town named Experiment. I wanted to tag the town limit sign, but this is all we got.

We are traveling at a very leisurely pace, so I've been tagging the shit out of the proud state of Georgia.

I'm using both the packets returned to me after my attempt to mail them and others that didn't even enter the system.

We tried hard to find rather unique places to install them...

Almost all abandoned building we saw were paid a visit.

I got an email from a man who works for the power company and he has found several of the packets in and around Columbia. I don't care, of course, but with that glitch in the matrix I seldom put them on power poles anymore.

For any of you new visitors here on Folio Olio, who have no idea what a key packet is, I offer a free tutorial.

Age 19- *jumps off garage on a dare, feels fine.*
Age 39- *takes two Aleve because I "slept funny."

I love shit like this.

The internet's official photographer.

Speaking of genitalia...
Sex pottery from Pompeii.

Do you remember how all those bodies were revealed? They found a void in the hardened ash and filled it with plaster. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yes, girls do this too...

I doubt she wore high-heels, though...on a milk crate...with holes. Come on.


The last year I was stationed in Germany, one of my best friends bought this car. (or one just like it)

Most of the Europeans with which we came in contact had never seen such a vehicle.
And, yes, we did get laid a lot.


If you are driving a Tesla and it's stolen, it should be called an Edison.

I can't get enough of these...

A young man I don't know came up to me at the bar and said, "Unfuck the world." I nodded. He nodded, then walked away. (I have dozens of labels saying that stuck all over two states)


I thought that very funny.

Elephant shot by poachers saved after appearing to plead for help from humans.
An injured bull elephant surprised guests and workers at a safari in Zimbabwe when he appeared to approach them for help, and then waited for five hours until a vet arrived.

The huge animal – which has since been named Ben – was dehydrated and limping badly, and photographs show him looking inside a building, possibly for assistance. On closer inspection, workers from the Bumi Hills Foundation found the animal had two bullet holes through his left ear and a septic wound on his shoulder, believed to be the result of a failed poaching attempt.


I've asked my young friends if they knew who Erwin Rommel was and they all knew.

I venture to say if he had been in charge we might not have won the war.


You can actually see oxygen being produced by the algae, and that's a good thing.

Let's discuss this drawing, shall we...

It was done with the tip of a stick dipped in ink. Observe the tenderness of the scene. The position of the child's arms enables you to feel its footsteps, its insecurity and doubt.
And even though you don't see its face, you can feel its joy of its first steps. Look at the young girl's arm, drawn in apparent haste and little attention to detail, but who cares? What matters is the love she feels for the child. She holds the baby, and notice how she is about to let it go. She is its older sister, and even though her back is turned, from the angle of her back and her head you can feel her attention focused on the child, who laughs excitedly before it begins to walk. The woman on the right being the mother. She's used to this. It's not her first time. She's standing nearby to intervene if necessary. Notice her heavy clothing; it's coarse...dirty perhaps. And home from work is Papa, squatting so he can see the baby take its first step. And then there is a neighbor who happens by and observes the scene. Do you feel the weight of the bucket, judging by the position of her left arm? Rembrandt uses her to complete the capturing of one slice of life, and also to complete the composition which would have been awkwardly heavy to one side without her.

A bird nest built on a glass bird...

Two that almost made it to my new Fun With Language file...

Current anger level: I am last-beer-in-the-fridge-turns-out-to-be-a-soy-sauce-bottle angry.

Trigger warning ⚠

Trying not to offend anyone in 2016.

Let's test your trigger sensitivity on this door of oppression....

Speaking of stones...

They call cat people crazy but they're not the ones outside at 5AM every morning putting fresh dog shit into tiny baggies.


Okay, I'm impressed...

She must play soccer...

I just noticed that he has pepper spray in his hand.

Tourist was shocked to find this in Berlin.

When I was in Germany in the late 60s, there were a whole bunch of one mark coins that had a swastika on them. For some reason I never saved any.

Human Fragility

WAITER: How is everything?
ME: Soul crushing and void of meaning.
W: I meant your meal.
M: Soul crushing, void of meaning, and needs salt.


Just some lightning from space.

I once made a lot of money selling beef jerky out of a trench coat at a vegetarian festival.

Another Bunny Suicide

Thank you for your order of a Trump t-shirt.
Other buyers also viewed & purchased:
- Moonshine
- Mason jars
- Guns
- Stupid fucking ideas

You either know why this is clever or you don't.


Zombie proof door.


Pulse Jack walking harvester...

It was a gif that didn't load. You might want to look it up. I was impressed.

Putting out a Fire with a Bottle of Coke When you Don't have an Extinguisher

This observation tower has a slide all the way down.

Oh, hell no.

Three generations of mars rovers...

Trimming shrubs to the exact same size with one machine...

My nephew sent me this gate to a ranch.

The "we're going to need a bigger boat" scene from Jaws but just me looking at the shopping carts at the wholesale beer store.


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