About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

SUNDAY #2743

One Of My Very Own…


Family reunion in full swing...

Me teaching another generation to play poker.

This is where another relative lives across the river from NYC.


US pols...

This was the bumper sticker on the other side of pickup I posted yesterday.


China's housing bubble is nearing critical mass
If it collapses, the global consequences would be more dramatic than what economists have predicted for the Brexit and definitely more than the 1929 Crash.
I ain't voting' for Trump. He wants to build a wall. And a wall is what kilt Dale Earnhardt.
Hope for a cure for multiple sclerosis
The new technique, which is a treatment usually used to fight leukemia, involves using chemotherapy to entirely eradicate the damaged immune system, before rebooting it with a transfusion of bone marrow cells. Out of the 24 patients who were given the treatment at least seven years ago, the majority have seen significant improvements. 70 per cent of patients saw a complete stop to the progression of the disease, while 40 per cent saw a reversal in symptoms such as vision loss, muscle weakness and balance loss.
What do you believe a driverless car ought to do in the following scenario: A group of pedestrians are crossing the street, and the only way the car can avoid hitting them is by swerving off the road, which would kill the passenger inside.
The participants of a study found most people would have the car kill the passenger...but, they would not ride in such a vehicle.
Eventually, this could lead car makers to advertise and manufacture cars that chose the safety of passengers over pedestrians. Those are the ones that they’re going to sell.
In a letter published Wednesday, July 22, 2016 in the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors detailed separate cases of two women who experienced “transient smartphone blindness” for months. Doctors discovered it was caused when they looked at their device with one eye while in bed in the dark – and their other eye covered by a pillow.

My wife stares into the medicine cabinet like I stare into the refrigerator. 

A young friend of mine thought this funny enough to send it to me.

I understand standards of beauty being in part due to cultural inculcation, but there is also the math: proportions are very important in any culture.

That beautiful lady is long dead.
Have a nice day.



There are STILL people that believe this bullshit...

I can actually understand conspiracy nuts. I think they hate the government that they attribute every awful thing to one of its dastardly acts.
But when an ancient long forgotten person, probably sitting around a fire in a cave, invented the idea that we have a soul, it stuck...but good.

That this guy says things like this doesn't bother me so much.

That people believe his bullshit does bother me. Rush is like the mega-church preacher who is in it for the money....understandable. But for people to believe him requires a whole nother level of stupid.

But the simple truth is just...well...boring.

Why don't we at least try this for a while...

Then there are the people who think that their view of life is shared by everyone else.


Whenever I'm traveling, I like to play a fun game where I'm on cruise control the whole time and everybody else on the road is being an ass. 

It's being called the Great American Eclipse of 2017.

And, seriously, it will pass right over my house...literally.


And how bad that is is illustrated with this.

Maybe someone has been trying to call for the last 2 years to say I won a million dollars. We'll never know.

These two images are not identical.

That took me much longer than one would have thought. But there is probably a well-planned reason for that. We don't expect the big things.

Read this...

It reminded me of something I've often thought about on my journeys.

What if every footprint of every man was all the sudden made visible on scenes like this. Do you think there would be areas where no man has ever stood. I'm not talking about the vertical walls, but just normal walkable land.


"Omg stop calling & just learn how to text already!"
- Aliens, receiving our radio signal transmissions. 

I once had a man send me these two images and asked if I could paint one in Columbia. I asked him if he had a wall in mind and he said no.

He expected me, pro bono, to drive around until I found a suitable wall on the off chance he could find funding for an image that had been done to death.
People are always asking artists to do shit for free.



That is actually true.


I can't invite the neighbors in because they might recognize their stuff. 

The panels are 24 inch thick acrylic glass.

[answers phone in crowded elevator] "Give me some good news, Doc.........HOW contagious?"
(I found that very funny)



I am so fortunate to have so many lesbian and gay friends.

I'm such a glass half full kind of guy that when the power goes out I realize that I will not be electrocuted on that day. 

Helpless fish inside a jelly fish.

NASA just released the first ever detailed picture of a blackhole.

About bartenders...

Unlike table servers, bartenders are expected to return rude for rude. They must be in control and goods ones are very rare.

Want to guess what this is before you scroll down?

Honey poured on dry ice.

Something I had never seen before...a sleeping chicken...

Any of you people out there with chickens ever seen one sleep on its back in the middle of the yard?

At first I thought she delayed because she was getting her phone or something..

Now I believe that in her panic she couldn't get the seat belt unfastened.
That is actually very, very sad. Does anybody know what probably went wrong with her car to cause that so I can have mine checked tomorrow?

Here's something else I've never seen before...

Jehovah's Witnesses will do anything to talk to you, including your dishes, laundry and even windows. Try it. All you have to do is keep repeating, "Tell me more."



Anonymous said...

Unless you've gone back to smoking and carrying around gas cans in your car, you are relatively safe from spontaneously combusting. Here is the link


Ralph Henry said...

Thank you, information person, I can drive more easily now.

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