About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


One Of My Very Own…


Installed a bunch of Key Packets on our trip; photographed a few...

I like the juxtaposition of the key and the lock.

Sometimes in the middle of town I would pull up so close to the post that I could screw it one right through the window.

After reading this you know I had to tag it...


But I was in such a hurry I forgot the key...


Two things wrong with last night's motel room:
1. It had no Fox Sports One, the channel on which the Copa final was airing.
2. The internet connection was so slow I couldn't upload these images to FO. I found out how to stream the game, but it was so slow it was live for 30 or so seconds and frozen for two or so minutes. I missed Messi missing the game winning penalty kick and I saw none of the actual kicks at the end of the game.
This is what a pissed off old white man looks like.

Found out what caused this...

The incident, which happened in West Russia, occurred when the driver had a leaking gas canister in the vehicle, then lit a cigarette.
I bet she won't do that again.

Also found out my map, etc about Great Britain were way off base. I apologize.

A hearty "Nice shitting" to all you browsing Folio Olio on the toilet.

At first I thought this was real and was already writing my essay in my mind...

Then I came to this one...

Southern whites no longer have a problem with blacks, as long as they have a talent we can exploit.

Public Artist with a conscious

I've been completely sober for seven day...out of the last twenty-two years.

The Man Seized by Four Armies

Yang Kyoungjong was born in Korea in 1920. His extraordinary life, not of his own making, reads like a novel that would be criticized as too far-fetched to be believable.
In 1938, the occupying Japanese conscripted him into the Imperial Japanese Army to fight against the Soviet Union.
In 1939, Yang was captured by the Red Army during the Battles of Khalkhin Gol and was sent to a Soviet prison camp. In 1942, the Soviets were desperate for manpower and forced him to fight against the Germans.
In 1943, Yang was captured by the Germans during the Third Battle of Kharkov. By this time, the Wehrmacht was desperate for manpower, and put him in the Eastern Battalion which was sent to France to fight the Allies.
In 1944 the Allies invaded Normandy, and Yang was captured by U.S. paratroopers. He was sent to a prison camp in Britain, but this time, he was not forced to fight for his captors. The U.S. doesn’t do that, and the war was almost over anyway. That might have been the reason Yang emigrated to the U.S. after his release. He lived in Illinois for the rest of his life.

Electric eel lighting up LEDs on a fake alligator head...

What a marvelous self-defense mechanism.

Speaking of such things...

Speaking of shit men do...
This man tries to sneak an amazing number of beers into a ball game...

Which reminds me, when I took that fall and couldn't move I took gave me a real scare, so I've stashed beer under various chairs and sofas and shit around my house just in case. You can never be too careful.


Losing the remote & being too lazy to get up & change the channel is a sin punishable by reality shows.


You had one job, microwave "popcorn" button. One. Job.

Who doesn't love engineers?

In my opinion, this is one of the greatest assets a person can have...

And it came from a cartoon dog.


To clarify, the inmate had the marbles implanted in and tattoos drawn on his penis in late 2008, prior to his incarceration, during a "body modification" craze.

Aren't you curious what such a man would look like?

You ever been so focused on your challenger that you head butted a car?

A whole collection of short horror stories. This was my favorite.

The thing I love most about my wife is her eyes. I'm glad she has eyes. On my list of desired features in a spouse, "eyes" were near the top.

This just ain't right y'all.

It is, plain and simple, a prison for animals...for our amusement.


America's new slogan? We eat pizza by the acre?

Anybody else out there a big fan of this guy?

But that's not why I posted that. Look at the very bottom. After a dozen or so inspirational (educational?) quotes, that numbskull expected me to click on almost 2K more. I don't think so.

Speaking of inspirational quotes...

Because of a flaw, this 1970 quarter is worth $35K. It’s super tiny and hard to see, but if you look closer you will see the upside-down markings of the year, 1941 just above the word “Dollar.”

This poor child. Not only did she fall down in public...

But she spilled a couple of hundred dollars worth of popcorn.


I'm not sure why, but this reminds me of the time my mother asked me why there was a heavy pencil mark on the ruler at 7 1/4".

My wife made rice for the two of us last night...

Seriously, I've always thought that rice was...well, rice. Then my wife bought this...

That shit is a whole cut above regular rice. Trust me, you need to try this. As I understand it, it is grown near Charleston, SC and it is, like, twice as long as regular rice and actually tastes like something besides cardboard.


I had no idea that was possible.

This looks like a potential ecological disaster.

It was stated that it is Waimea River, and happens every year, for what reason I know not.


On level ground it looks like he could do that all day.


Me fucking with my Scottish friend:
Me: Do they have capital letters in Scotland?
He: What?
Me: Capital letters. I heard you Scots write in all lower case letters because you hate the English so much.

I wonder how long she had to do that?

World's first tattoo-gun prosthesis.
And I thought I was the only one who had a one arm tattooist...

I bet my wife is going to send this to One-Arm Willie.

I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.

Learn The Alphabet In 85 Movies Or Less(I have no idea what that means, I just thought it was a cool collection of words.)


Think about it, people, you pretend to eat a guy's flesh and drink his blood, and you cut little baby's dicks off.

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