About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, July 25, 2016

MONDAY #2772

One Of My Very Own…


This is remarkable.

[Jesus on a blind date]
Christians: "Hmm, you seemed whiter in your profile picture." 
 Well, that sure is a conversation starter.
Modded Russian ZIL-130
I never knew that Buckminster Fuller reimagined the world map...
Results of a lightning strike at a local golf course.
 I'm not sure how I became so enamored with lightning, but I am.
 If I ever want to hide something from my wife I'd put it in the oven - she'd never look in there. 
You rarely see a Kama Sutra move in high school wrestling.
I once told my wife I wanted our kids every other weekend and she reminded me that we're married & live together so I'd have to see them every day. 

Instead of smiling and nodding through a conversation, try clapping and nodding. People will stop talking to you.
The typical teenage girl mannequin...
These next two images were found without comment in this order. I think it best if I keep my mouth shut... 


 Okay, I'm impressed with the sword work, but that is a might fancy room for such activity, don't you think?

 Somebody commented that the lasers at the beginning were to cover up that the sword-like laser, in fact, originated from her hand.
Half nekkid girl and lasers? Sign me up.
Oh, look, here's another...
Humans did this. 
And they never prayed once. 

My local cemetery is stocking up on these, should I be concerned?
Can't we all just get along?

Kleine Ballerina by Malgorzata Chodakowska

And let's not forget, somebody has to do this.
 Is it just me, or does the cleaning man look like the guy that was sculpted?
 Saw these eyebrows on an otherwise normal woman.
My wife told me, "I’m not saying you’ve gained weight, I’m just saying I don’t think your belt buckle should be facing the ground." 
All of my horoscopes lately have started with “Ok, don’t freak out but…” 

My wife takes her perfuming very seriously.
Want to play  a game? 
A. All the horse fall down.
B. All the jockeys fall off.
C. Door only partially open trapping horses.
D. Birds come out. 
They call it a test bite.
Shooting a Real Mini-Gun in Las Vegas.
 I would pay to do that. But those shells are like a dollar a piece and you see those casings pouring out?
They grow up so fast, don't they.
Guy finds a really old car.
China unveils colossal 1,320-ton sculpture of Chinese God of war “Guan Yu” in Jingzhou city.
I didn't think they still believed that god crap.
This magnificent bastard is 74 years old.

Think about how hard acting must be...
 You are standing in front of a green screen surrounded by thirty or so people and you have to display an emotion you don't feel. That's why they get the big bucks.
An E-2C Hawkeye landing on the USS Eisenhower had its landing cable snap. Professionalism ensues.

One false step...

Fluid dynamics kills a crab
But what a great "How did Grandpa die?" story.


A car almost ran into me and I screamed "WHOOOOOA THERE BUCKAROO" I could have died and those would have been my last words. 

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