One Of My Very Own…





How many people in America do you think I can trick into believing that Brexit is the name of one of Sarah Palin's kids?

There is no "rule" that says you can't arrange things to be photographed.

Except maybe this one: Don't arrange or pose something then try to pass it off as happenstance. You will usually be found out, then you'll look like a fool.
Here are some objects arranged just to be photographed.

This may or may not be a spoof, but I doubt seriously if the bear would pay more attention to the two people it can't see instead of the photographer he can see.

Drones are going to add a whole new dimension.

"Take the plunge" by artist Milo Moiré is exactly what it looks like...
Swiss performance artist Milo Moiré is known for pushing the boundaries of what’s acceptable to do in public. Last year, she was arrested for taking naked selfies at the Eiffel Tower. This time, she got a little crazier. She’s invited strangers over the age of 18 to touch her breasts and/or finger blast her genitals through a mirrored box.

I wonder if a guy could get away with doing that with his dick.
The art of Philip Jackson in 1944

What wonderful objects.

We've seen several wall drawings like this, and I am going to go ahead and assume that it was done by a non-artist.

In my humble opinion, it is acceptable for non-artists to steal ideas at will. But don't get embarrassed when a friend says, "Yeah, I saw that on the internet in 1986."
Hyuro in Manchester, UK

Chuck Close was the first major artist to introduce photo realism.

I once went to sign up for a class on handling bad news and the lady said, "Sorry, we're full."

Hands-free urination?
I'm just sitting here like "Please be real, please be real.."

Faker than my wife's orgasms.

Many people are confused about why vegetarians would want to eat something that tastes like meat. I have no such confusion. The same reason they flavor yogurt or put sugar on berries.
The Great Flood of Paris, 1910 vs 2016 - Julien Knez

I found that very interesting.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe ...

Did you notice it's on tank treads?

Wife's selling off some things she doesn't use anymore.
Based on how he reacts, you'd think my dog's entire family was killed by a pizza delivery guy.

Note: I hope this next thing is true in so much as I don't even know how to research such a thing. But, fear not, I have an ace out there who keeps me straight and I really appreciate him.

I think one of the most clever things I ever posted asked you if you would feel comfortable with a robot in your home that had been programed to enforce every "law" in the Bible.
You or your kids would be dead before you got it out of the box. Such is the nature of an all merciful god.
What leaving your religion really feels like.

I mean that. I looked around with a kind of clarity. Everything made sense. All my questions were answered. And the answer was that the official book had a ton of plot errors because it was made up by guys who weren't all that smart. Those human beings didn't know that kangaroos even existed, so they had no reason to explain to us how Noah collected two of them, then put them back. The same for the thousands of animals that only live in South America. I actually laughed at myself for believing that as a child.





How many people in America do you think I can trick into believing that Brexit is the name of one of Sarah Palin's kids?

There is no "rule" that says you can't arrange things to be photographed.

Except maybe this one: Don't arrange or pose something then try to pass it off as happenstance. You will usually be found out, then you'll look like a fool.
Here are some objects arranged just to be photographed.

This may or may not be a spoof, but I doubt seriously if the bear would pay more attention to the two people it can't see instead of the photographer he can see.

Drones are going to add a whole new dimension.

"Take the plunge" by artist Milo Moiré is exactly what it looks like...

I wonder if a guy could get away with doing that with his dick.
The art of Philip Jackson in 1944

What wonderful objects.

We've seen several wall drawings like this, and I am going to go ahead and assume that it was done by a non-artist.

In my humble opinion, it is acceptable for non-artists to steal ideas at will. But don't get embarrassed when a friend says, "Yeah, I saw that on the internet in 1986."
Hyuro in Manchester, UK

Chuck Close was the first major artist to introduce photo realism.

I once went to sign up for a class on handling bad news and the lady said, "Sorry, we're full."

Hands-free urination?
I'm just sitting here like "Please be real, please be real.."

Faker than my wife's orgasms.

Many people are confused about why vegetarians would want to eat something that tastes like meat. I have no such confusion. The same reason they flavor yogurt or put sugar on berries.
The Great Flood of Paris, 1910 vs 2016 - Julien Knez

I found that very interesting.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe ...

Did you notice it's on tank treads?

Wife's selling off some things she doesn't use anymore.
Based on how he reacts, you'd think my dog's entire family was killed by a pizza delivery guy.

Why is this even controversial? Are you worried that if we give medicine to children then millions of people will smoke dope? Well, put your big girl panties on, bitch, millions are already smoking dope...your child's teacher, your doctor, your butcher. Do Not Be Stupid!
When I check to see if she is still mad...

Then she rolls over and cries and wonders aloud why she ever married me.

Why is this even controversial? Are you worried that if we give medicine to children then millions of people will smoke dope? Well, put your big girl panties on, bitch, millions are already smoking dope...your child's teacher, your doctor, your butcher. Do Not Be Stupid!
When I check to see if she is still mad...

Then she rolls over and cries and wonders aloud why she ever married me.

So does it comes with skids to use on snow?

If not, why not?
Have you ever told a kid there's candy inside an electrical outlet that can only be retrieved with a fork?
So does it comes with skids to use on snow?

If not, why not?
Have you ever told a kid there's candy inside an electrical outlet that can only be retrieved with a fork?

Note: I hope this next thing is true in so much as I don't even know how to research such a thing. But, fear not, I have an ace out there who keeps me straight and I really appreciate him.

I think one of the most clever things I ever posted asked you if you would feel comfortable with a robot in your home that had been programed to enforce every "law" in the Bible.
You or your kids would be dead before you got it out of the box. Such is the nature of an all merciful god.
What leaving your religion really feels like.

I mean that. I looked around with a kind of clarity. Everything made sense. All my questions were answered. And the answer was that the official book had a ton of plot errors because it was made up by guys who weren't all that smart. Those human beings didn't know that kangaroos even existed, so they had no reason to explain to us how Noah collected two of them, then put them back. The same for the thousands of animals that only live in South America. I actually laughed at myself for believing that as a child.

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