About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, November 24, 2016


One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com

Have a great Thanksgiving! I hope you can spend it with loved ones....like me. My grandson has come a-calling.
I know that most if not all of my foreign viewers don't understand American Thanksgiving Day, so I include this visual aid:

Get caught zipping your pants up while standing behind the turkey just one time, and suddenly nobody never needs help in the kitchen anymore.
It's an election year, so I can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner. There will be at least person getting disemboweled, which is one of the perks.
My signature move at Thanksgiving dinners is waiting for someone to put their drink down & then moving it when they go back for seconds.
Establish dominance by licking the spoon and then putting it back in the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner.

I'll just let this speak for itself...

Life imitating art...

The dress that changed colors...

Never happened.

Wait for it...

That could have gone in my Dark Humor file, but it's Thanksgiving.
Our friend who works in the NBC Sports truck wrote my wife concerning the Packer loss:
"for my part, tell him I'm sorry. The offense was hard to watch and the defense is simply depleted..."
Learned a English phrase:
Small Friday: Wednesday, middle of the working week. So you have a few drinks as the week winds down but not as many as you would on a Friday. Over here Wed is usually the busiest day at the pub outside of a weekend night.

We - you and I - live more comfortably than the richest kings or queens of the past. Just think of the shoes you wear and the bed you sleep in...and the abundance of food.


There are so many misconceptions about things.

Let's consider this...

So, can we assume that lawyers, doctors, stock traders, etc make a lot of money? So, how many latino women have completed the college necessary for those occupations? How many black men?

And Obamacare is not hated because it came from a black man. It is hated because it simply is unworkable.


Today at Home Depot I watched a guy put a wheelbarrow in a shopping cart.


My wife's arms sometimes get tired during sex and she drops her phone on her face.

How wonderful...

All I can think about is how quiet it would be there.


I've seen it around the poker table a thousand times.

What are the chances.

North Korea banned the use of sarcasm towards the government. I wouldn't last an hour before they executed me.


There's a gene for that.

Damn, girl...

The UK's biggest outdoor mural can be found covering the walls of Strathclyde University in the area around George Street.

Known as the 'Wonderwall' it covers more than 1000 square metres and even has its own hashtag #Strathwonderwall. The artwork is a collaboration by local artists Rogue One and Ejek.

Ingenuous new locking device.

Would Titanic have been more romantic if they had both died, but holding hands and floating, like otters?





So, my son-in-law has to prove to the Persians how Persian he is? I don't think so. What about the Irish, or Swedish. No. Why do the Mexicans think that way?

Oh the irony.. I mean, oh la ironia.


My thinking is they only let them out like that when they are well-fed and relatively harmless.

Give this a go for a few minutes...

A functional piston steam engine complete with boiler and flywheel. Takes about 2 minutes to get going after the candle is lit. The invention that powered the industrial revolution on a desktop. -PhysicsFun

And to think, that is the exact way a nuclear submarine works. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Okay, here are some clever solutions to the utility quiz above.

And my favorite...


I been researching this for years and I have come to believe that Russians are more like American Southerners than any other people on earth.
People with too much time on their hands...

If you haven't seen the baby lizard and the snake video, here's your chance. You must watch this once.

Snakes and the baby lizard:


I have never trusted anyone enough to let them walk up behind me while I was perched in such a spot...


I never knew these even existed.

Shani Shingnapur: The Village Without Doors

About 300 km east of Mumbai, in the remote Indian village of Shani Shingnapur, crime is a concept so alien that villagers here have stopped guarding their houses, their properties and their valuables. Nobody locks their cars and motorbikes anymore. Shopkeepers leave cash in unlocked drawers overnight, and housewives keep jewelry in unlocked boxes, inside houses that have no doors —just a wooden door frame with a curtain drawn across to protect the privacy of the residents. Such is the faith the villagers have on their heavenly guardian, Lord Shani, who they believe protects them from thieves. The belief, that whoever steals anything from this place will incur the wrath of Lord Shani —a Hindu god known for his mad temper and penchant for revenge— and will have to pay dearly for their sins, has kept wrong doers away from Shingnapur for the last 300 years.

Ever wonder what they put in diapers to keep them dry?

Sodium polyacrylate


It's scary how rich the US is.

And yet we are 20 trillion dollars in debt.
That's what happens when people find out they can vote themselves money.

So you think you are not a slave to fashion?
Then try this.

By simply shaving a few hairs in front of your ears you will be considered an oddball. Or worse, a non-conformist! It's like the neck tie thing. Not only do you have to have one, but it must be tied just like everyone else's. So very, very silly.


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