One Of My Very Own...


What kind of voodoo bullshit is this for Columbia, South Carolina?

When you are scrolling Folio Olio's 'Things you're not allowed to laugh at' and you come upon an awful image of the Holocaust.

What part of "I'm here to insult everyone on the planet is so hard to understand"?

BOSS: So I see you majored in communication?
ME: No…miscommunication
BOSS: Your resume clearly says communication
ME: See?




A recent study set out to discover whether religion factors into anti-science attitudes across the board. It found that while religious views drive Americans’ skepticism of evolution, climate change denial is more dependent on conservative political views and a lack of confidence in the scientific community.

These McDonalds cheeseburgers are 9 years old.


Actually, that is precisely the problem. - RH

Good guy or bad guy?
Over The Last Decade Humans Just Killed Off 12 Animals, And You Didn’t Even Notice.
Here's two of them...

Now remember what the horseshoe crab has done to benefit mankind. One of those twelve could have been equally beneficial.
Over The Last Decade Humans Just Killed Off 12 Animals, And You Didn’t Even Notice.
Here's two of them...

Now remember what the horseshoe crab has done to benefit mankind. One of those twelve could have been equally beneficial.

That man needs to win an award that shares his name.
[ And please don't tell me that is fake. People that do that all the time are like the guy at the magic show who keeps screaming out "It's up his sleeve!" or "The table has a false bottom!" ]
Then there's this guy...

How good are you at reading facial expressions?


Nailed it.

Or the Japanese traditional recreational sport of boutaoshi = literally "bring the pole down."

Now go back and watch what is happening on the right of the pile.

I wonder if the back's illustrated also.

Movie fact. Christmas Story used a vacuum inside of a hollow post to get Flick's tongue to "stick" to the flag pole.

Of course it will, Sparky.
Why do people pray AFTER a disaster. God just made it abundantly clear that he doesn't give a fuck.

Go ahead and try it. Answer later.
Warning: It is very easy to think you did it when in fact you missed door.
Ladies, is this a good idea. I would think so.

I had no idea that they did this so long ago...

And it's still running!

Forging hot steel as if it were clay...

Oh, what a masterpiece of architecture...

You can click to embiggenize.
I would have bet money the ball that had to travel farther would arrive last.

It has to do with converting potential energy into kinetic energy. Here's a link to a very and varied explanation:

Speaking of puzzles, try this one on...

The online comments to that were a hoot:
"Anyone want to borrow a hooker?"
"This was a terrible day to schedule a colonoscopy."

Where nobody lives.

I'm surprised there are this many white areas in Alaska...

But then I figured, they do it by counties and they must have some really big counties up there.
I also heard that the total population was about a million with HALF of them living in Anchorage.
How it’s possible to sail from Norway to Antarctica in a straight line without hitting land.

I wonder if there is an Arab somewhere who is not attracted to goats.
How it’s possible to sail from Norway to Antarctica in a straight line without hitting land.

I wonder if there is an Arab somewhere who is not attracted to goats.
Ukrainian soldier in the war zone, Eastern Ukraine.

Probably faked but is that really the point? Our support is the point.
I wish I knew a website where I could donate some money for The Ukraine's defense. I would post it every day until this nightmare is over.

Which means some sick fuck at PETA spent time milking a goddamn dog.
Speaking of...

Years ago my friend opened a wing restaurant and I painted a large sign for the front of the building. It consisted of a beautiful old classic car being driven by a chicken with a prostetic arm hanging out the window. The animal rights people went nuts with letters to the editor and such and he got more attention than he could have ever hoped for. I sure wish I had a picture of it.
Okay, watch this carefully...

Now watch what happens when a guy turns on his porch light...

Mountain lion on the porch surprise.
Well, I love animals as well as anyone else, but I want you to think about living in the area where either of those videos were filmed. Would you let your three year old play out side? Probably not. Now, do you think that every human settlement should be free of beasts that will kill human children given half a chance. Do we have a right to demand safety? Remember, if that had been a child in the swimming pool above, it would be dead.

I've never seen anything quite like that.
Would you rather be a man in a dog's body or a dog in a man's body.
Two oldies that still make me laugh...

Being attracted to your own flaccid penis would be the worst fetish ever.

The autism test's solution is a joke. But of course you know. One door is blocked.
as noted to you last week - time to stop drinking
i am certain you would not be happy if you encountered images mocking the torture and death of someone you know
ps - Fuck you
Be happy? I would find it fucking hilarious. Just ask my uncle who was ripped in half by an alligator. It took me a week to stop laughing.
And ps your ps: I wish somebody would fuck me. It's been a while.
@ Anonymous:
I was really at a loss figuring out who you would mean. Wondered, whether you might have been the surprised groom or the brother of the girl sticking her tongue at the frozen lamp post. But then I ran across the news with the abused alligator.
Yes, I'm very sorry for the loss of your relative and completely understand you are upset. Shouldn't have happened.
It is indeed a sad thing when a man can go to jail for something as natural as screwing a gator. Sorry about your dad, anonymous, and I hope you can put down the pipe long enough to make sense one day. Cheers!
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