About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 17, 2017

FRIDAY #2980

One Of My Very Own...


Singing the Blues


How soon they forget...

Gotta love this guy...
Hell, with my laziness record I ought to be second in command. 
This guy gave an impassioned speech. You should Youtube it.

Calm is a super power.


Short story illustrations

When the wife asks "Do you like my new hairdo", don't reply with "It'll grow back, right?"


Before my surgery in the 1800s, the doctor offered to use knockout gas or whack his patients over the head with a canoe paddle. It was an ether/oar situation.

I watched a grown man play a video game on his phone.
Me: Why did you jump on a turtle?
Him: Because I'm a plumber.


My grandmother had a stove kind of like this one.
My grandfather had it refitted with natural gas, which meant they didn't need the chimney anymore.
So they covered the hole in the wall above the stove with a plate like decorative piece. I asked hundreds of times why the plate was on the wall and was told "To cover up the chimney hole," and I was a grown ass man before I understood what that meant. 
This Bronze Sculpture Was Attached To A Tree In 1968, Here’s How It Looks Now

II I covet that. I would love to have that in my yard so I could look at it at least once a day.

World's biggest ice carousel (57 m diameter)

Remember these mugs I like so much...

This is how he made them...


This is Vincas Juska, a knygnešys -- "book smuggler" -- one of the brave people who defied Tsar Alexander II's "Temporary Rules for State Junior Schools of the Northwestern Krai" by smuggling books written with Latin characters into Lithuania, defying the ban put into place after the Polish-Lithuanian insurrection of 1863.

I showed this to a few guys at the bar before I decided to post it.
To a man they groaned with lust.


A lot of artists seem to like to make wood look fluid.

Oh, oh, oh do I love this.
I wonder how many people actually get why it is so very clever.

Sometimes I wonder if the ghost in my house thinks he's being haunted by some angry, naked, drunk guy.


What an awesome club to be in.

Barracuda Armor a.k.a Swedish Balls

So it has begun.
In a first, an artificial intelligence named Libratus has bested top-tier players at no-limit Texas Hold 'em. This is especially notable because imperfect information games are notoriously challenging to AI programs.

Speaking of...

Hey men, don't be fooled by maxipad commercials. Ladies aren't really full of blue windshield washer fluid.


The Sunken Lanes of Europe
Appearing as trenches dredged through the earth or tunnels cleared through forests, these ancient pathways called holloways or sunken lanes are found all across the European countryside. They originally began at the ground level, but over the centuries, under the tread of a million feet and hooves encompassing thousands of journeys, the floor of these roads have worn away and eroded down to the bedrock, creating ditches that lay beneath the level of the surrounding landscape.

With high banks on either side, many of these ancient thoroughfare then became temporary waterways during rains, which further deepened and widened the paths making them permanent features of the landscape. Some of these paths are twenty to thirty feet deep, and look more like gorges than roads.
Just like the Cherokee Trail

The dreaded ISIS fish takes out special forces soldier.

There are so many things to discover on this planet.
A rabbit with a shell?

The part of the Harry Potter movies that I found most unbelievable was that mostly unsupervised teenagers never had wild keg parties.


This is my wife when she watches me make a peanut butter sandwich, lick the knife clean, then put it back in the drawer.

(click to embiggenize)

An old friend of mine told me that when she first heard the phrase "information superhighway," this is what she thought they were talking about.
Actual signage...maybe electronic.

Hell, woman believe that any shampoo made with any fruit or vegetable will make their hair better, then this is a sure sell.
If this isn't true, I really don't care. I can have my fantasies, can't I?

How to tell instantly if she's a keeper.
Okay, "technically" that is not a woman, but I had nowhere else to put it.

Making French toast is a lot like making regular toast. The only difference is that you use your tongue.


For the eleventy-dozenth time

1 comment:

ZippyTheGimp said...

Tiered cake: "American Gothic", right?

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