About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

SUNDAY #2982

One Of My Very Own...



To repeat: Everybody has an agenda.

I don't know enough about that to discuss it.



Can you spot the Trump warrior?







Eddie Murphy in the 80's predicts 2016
Slavic leader wearing traditional track suit pants.



The "World's First" Hand Held Electric Gatling Gun in 5.56mm.


Juanjo Méndez was found dead after a motorcycle accident in 1992. He received a heart massage of more than half an hour and transfused 48 liters of blood during his hospital stay. He has been in the elite of Paralympic cycling for 20 years.
[verification needed]

My hero.

I just googled "jokes to tell right before you die" and if that doesn't tell you what kind of person I am, I don't know what does.


Want to guess what this is?

This guy is making noodles.

I don't think I have the words to express how much I love this painting.
Think of it this way: Scroll back up and just let your eye travel across the canvas. If you live in the west, you will most likely start in the upper left - they same way you read a book. Now notice how the artist led you eye across the canvas, down and around to the starting point. That was not an accident.
It's a way to show off just how much toilet paper you have.
Solar powered backpack.
This is the image that came with the ad.
In my humble opinion, this is very close to being an art object.



This is a scene from a movie about the post-apocalypse world.
Most everything is rotted or burned, but there is a plethora of those ugly ass plastic chairs that I loathe. 

My wife only shaves her legs in the spots exposed by her ripped jeans.


 And, of course, the white dots are galaxies.

Holy shit.
I found this website that shows different things happening in the atmosphere and ocean. The image above shows upper air wind at 250 millibars (pretty high up in the atmosphere).  The fastest wind I found was moving at 374 km/h.
 There are so many things to view, it's too much to list.  You can also check ocean currents, atmospheric gases, and particulates.

My Medical Emergency Contact is a girl I dated in college who got me home after I blacked out drunk.


 This reminds me of a conversation I had with a very smart person.

What I see in the photo is how the earth is parceled out to individuals with enough wealth to make it "their" own. That has not always been the way. Until relatively recently, mankind would have considered a person "owning" a portion of the planet ridiculous. 
When humans decided it was a good idea to quit moving around and live very close to each other they needed to control who could and who could not eat from which crops, sleep in which shelters, etc. The need for privacy of person and possessions resulted in land ownership.
There are those who think this was a very bad idea. It led to such things as inheritance - keeping the land under the control of the same family. But, of course, a girl wasn't strong enough to defend the homestead, so female offspring need not apply.
A major turn in society occurred with the establishment of the US and the THEM - land owners vs. the unwashed masses. And it went downhill from there.

1 comment:

Larry said...

That car IS an art object!

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