About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, April 14, 2017

FRIDAY #3036

One Of My Very Own...

EMAIL: ralph.henry.at.folio.olio@gmail.com


Happy week end to every living creature except for that sting ray that killed Steve Irwin.

Does he know how talk like that frightens some of us? I doubt it.
But I can still laugh at it.

This (I hope) will be the last post of this fiasco.
I haven't mentioned the "Pepsi Ad Debacle" because I didn't understand it.
But I know Pepsi is thanking its lucky stars for United Airlines.


As I understand it, AI can't tell what this is, and I stated that I couldn't tell what it was either.
However, I now think it's some part of a cathedral.

Or maybe a Roman bridge or aqueduct.
What say you?

Thanks to a couple of viewers I found out this is a common defense display of a rat snake.
And it is not twisted as I thought, only kinked.

When people tell me to get my act together I have to explain that this is not an act, I really am this incompetent.


Let's play Arab or Redneck.
Said to be a $100K automobile.


Built in beer holder. What a wonderful idea.

Nobody sat on a white section.

Shadow looks like Trump.

Give this a second...
It was titled: "Right hand beer, left hand pocket."

His marble floor has a seahorse fossil.

Did you notice the soot on the keys? I thought that odd.

His word OLD looks like a face.

His color coded power point matches his tie.

I wonder if that will ever catch on.

According to a study just released by the Vatican, 4 out of 5 nuns find sewing to be habit forming.
(I'm not even sorry.)


This guy won?
What must the other guy look like?

When you get really stupid people doing a dangerous things, dangerous things usually goes wrong.
Waaaaay better with sound...plus you get to see the aftermath.


But that's not the fucking point, is it? Fuck blowing up people or running them over with their cars. The NORMAL shit NORMAL Muslims do or at least approve of is what nauseates me.
I not sure who is teaching whom a hard life lesson.

Galileo was denied burial in the Basilica next to Michelangelo and other notables because he had been declared a heretic. But after Newton proved him correct, they dug him up and reburied him with honor.
But not before some people took souvenirs, including three fingers, a tooth and a vertebra. The finger is now on display.

My wife had another cereal mishap this morning.
Bowl, cereal, milk, spoon. Bowl, cereal, milk, spoon. Bowl, cereal, milk, spoon. 

New phrase I recently heard and liked: “over vegetablizing a sandwich."


SR-71 looks like a fighter out of Star Wars when its mid assembly.

Builds an Incredible 600cc Bumper Car That Breaks a Guinness World Record for Speed of 100.336 mph.

He just broke is own record...

I will bet money he taught himself to do that on company time.

M1915 Howell Automatic Rifle Enfield Conversion

Straight up jerry-rigged, looks like its going to shake itself apart but she's doing fine for a 102 year old gun.
Check out the full video at Forgotten Weapons, you will love it if you have any interest in firearms, history, or mechanics, or all of the above (a little long) 



A bicep tattoo.
And a mighty fine job it is.

And here a painting just because it seemed to fit here.

I have concerns about prescribing a very powerful drug because you have trouble falling asleep. You want to fall asleep? Fuck your husband's leg off. Re-tile the kitchen. Get stoned for Christ's sake. I'll guarantee you that if you are exhausted enough you will fall asleep.
Disclaimer: All bets are off if you are undergoing trauma in your life....trauma, not drama.

I didn't know that.

At first I thought this a clever use for the wells in fracking areas where the water catches fire.
But apparently it is hooked up to gas.
But what's with his house.

You ever been so discombobulated that you had to just sit and rebobulated for a couple of hours?


How Puffer Fish attract the ladies. 

NASA's Juno Jupiter probe just flew by the planet again and took some amazing images.

Just an old lady and her 2 snakes.
"Nobody ever asked why she purchased two goats every month..." 

I think of that often.

Wife trying to wrap her mouth around a mammoth bratwurst: "Reminds me of our first date."
And now you know how we stayed so happy for so long. Cause she lies.







1 Bill Gates
2 Elon Musk
3 Warren Buffett
4 Mark Zuckerberg
5 Koch brothers

A five year old girl is headed to the National Spelling Bee finals. And I just had to use autocorrect to spell "embarrassed"
I'm so emb-


A fun way to make someone self conscious, is to put a nose hair trimmer in their grocery cart while maintaining full eye contact with them.



Anonymous said...

After reviewing today's blog, I clicked on a random post...which I read all the way to the bottom and then clicked another random post and came to this:


The coincidence of being taken to another post with the beer-holder hoodie must be infinitesimally small.

Anonymous said...

lady gaga live on youtube streaming tonight 11:25 pm

Anonymous said...

actually saturday instead of tonight oopps.

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