One Of My Very Own...
That was awful. Let's try another...
Some parts of the country is suffering through records heat. When the asphalt is this hot...

It will burn you pet's feet.
President of Costa Rica Eats a Wasp
Federal authorities say that the whole Russian attack on the DNC was made possible because someone in the DNC opened an email they shouldn't have.
My question is, why was such an email even allowed to show up on a worker's computer? In this modern era is there not a way to screen all emails allowed to reach your servers?
He even had to calculate in the rotation of the Earth. Also, we got in an argument at the bar about how much the bullet dropped. I looked it up. The sniper had to aim 700 feet above the target.
I call that pure fucking luck.
I got MY hair cut and my wife didn't notice, and now I'm doing the dishes and she's watching tv, so apparently she's the husband now?
I find it funny that we hardly ever laugh out loud over anything we see on the internet.
Sometimes we smile. Rarely do we make a sound. Usually we just blow a little air out of our nose.
We all love the stories about how the team let the retard kid score...
A lot of white comedians treat race like a thing you poke with a stick to prove you're brave.
(if any of these aren't real products keep it to yourself...nobody gives a shit)
Blow dry your hair as you walk to work.
What do you think this is made out of?
Yeah, I thought it was from one of those auto paint rooms also, but no. Here's a hint...
These are made from parts of books.
I'm assuming they are soaked in some kind of resin or something, but I don't understand the colored layers.
Remember back when to get online you had to murder a robot each time, and it would scream and scream until its death powered your internet.
Want to guess what this is made from?
Sitting on top of a small natural hill, amidst the slums of San Agustín, in south-central Caracas, Venezuela, is a magnificent building with a spiraling ramp that coils onto itself becoming tighter and tighter, rising higher and higher, until it reaches the apex crowned by a geodesic dome, designed by none other than Richard Buckminster Fuller himself. El Helicoide, or the Helix, is one of Venezuela’s most important relics of the modernist movement. It was supposed to be the world’s first drive-through shopping mall with a 2.5 mile long spiraling ramp for cars to ascend, descend, and park directly in front of the shops they wanted to visit. There was space for more than three hundred stores, and would have included a 5 star hotel, a movie theater with seven screens, exhibition halls, a gym, a pool, a bowling alley, a nursery and a lot more.
That shopping mall is now a prison. Go figure.
I'm not sure if this is stucco or just white wash.
Amman, Jordan - Pejac
Look at this long enough to see what is so incredibly odd about it.
There are two identical rocks on each side of a double sided mirror. Go back and really study that.
Let's take another look at anamorphic art by Bernard Pras.
I watched it over and over and couldn't really tell what the mustache is made from.
We'll call this quality photography just because.
A robot could do that better.
Suddenly my life feels rather dull.
What about face and eyes?!
(He also ran over the manager with his car, so there's that.)
Emperor and Empress of Streeterville
Our newest class of astronauts.
Lots of women, which is nice.
Let's give this cool ass sumbitch some more air time...
If I could go back in time, I'd kill the first person to write "THIS" before a retweet.
This in a movie I watched.
Please don't tell me I should have Snoped that.
Forrest Gump gave a whole bunch of idiots unrealistic expectations of what life had in store for them.
Imagine trying to find your way around this city even with a map.
My guess is that it's very old and just sort of grew out from the center with no central planning whatsoever.
Here's what happens when you have a strong government who can take charge of growth.
I will repeat the story about my city, Columbia, South Carolina. It was a planned city and laid out in almost a perfect grid. Then the stupid bastards named each street and avenue after a person. Think about that - unless you have memorized the name of every single street you can't find squat.
I was 10 years old when that happened. Prior to that there was a law that discarded refrigerators had to have the doors removed. Of course, that didn't work and I was warned a hundred times to avoid any discarded fridge like a poisonous snake.
And remember, this was only 10 years after WWII and EVERYBODY had money to buy new appliances and there were a lot of old appliances laying about.
Title Drops - 150 scenes of actors mentioning the name of the movie.
Kind of fun. You should enjoy it.
During my travels across the US deserts I was in awe of the number of utility poles stretching for hundreds of miles. Many of them with only one or two wires on them.
The cost of such a project must have been astronomical.
Harriet Tubman - Effective civil disobedience.
I have stated previously that we humans are designed as social animals and can't really feel whole without sharing our lives with another.
Still feel like you are significant?
The Earth is that tiny blue dot. All our drama; all our achievements float along and one speck in the vast ocean of space.
The SS Ancon, the first Ship to pass through the Panama Canal on August 15, 1914
I think that this and the Suez Canal are two of our most important achievements.
If you say Jesus backwards it sounds like Sausage.
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